標題: 高科技產業建廠管理之個案研究-以薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器與半導體產業為例
The Management of Fabrication Plant Building Up for TFT-LCD and IC Industry
作者: 邱健寶
Dr. L-K Wang
關鍵字: 建廠管理;薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器;半導體;Management of Fabrication Plant Building Up;TFT-LCD;IC
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 隨著高科技產業的蓬勃發展,為因應製程技術之演進及加快產品上市之速度,以提高企業投資報酬率、增加資本週轉率與產品之市場佔有率,如何興建可供企業增加製造與生產廠房之決策和時機,已成為企業全球化與國際化佈局之重要的環節。 為完成一座高品質、高水準之生產廠房,除應做好建廠前的設計規畫工作之外,更須做好高效率的建廠專業管理工作,並將好的設計規畫理念,落實與執行在興建階段;成功的建廠成果,對企業之營運,將呈現乘數效果。 台灣高科技產業在建廠領域上,除應加強高科技產業相關建廠能力之外,更應積極加速建構建廠及廠務設施或系統標準化、模組化之環境,以期降低建廠所 需之成本,奠定台灣高科技產業邁向二十一世繼續蓬勃發展的利基與創造高科技產業競爭優勢之契機。
One of the important issues concerning the competitiveness of the high-tech companies is the decision to build a new plant. To set up a high-quality factory, we need to consider thoroughly the designs and the plans before the construction begins, to implement the management rules carefully during the construction period, and to adopt more advanced technology whenever necessary. This study provides some detailed policies and procedures from real experience in plant building for TFT-LCD and IC industry. The discussions and suggestion should be helpful for people involed in these activities.
Appears in Collections:Thesis