標題: 液晶顯示器之原始資料驅動IC測試-故障模型與測試方法
TFT LCD Source Driver IC Testing-Fault Models and Test Generation
作者: 邱垂勳
chui-shun chiu
李 崇 仁
Chung Len Lee
關鍵字: 液晶顯示器驅動IC測試;TFT LCD source driver IC testing
公開日期: 2001
摘要: TFT LCD source driver IC 為近年來開發的新產品,具有多組非線性的DAC陣列與極性反轉的特性,傳統的測試方法無所依循,亦欠缺系統性的推導,過去的工程師憑藉著設計的規格,自己創造測試pattern,在由組裝廠回授的fault現象中,新增或修正測試pattern,造成無效率且浪費時間 ! 此篇論文根據實際電路之研究,建立TFT LCD source driver IC主要電路的circuit model並透過SPICE 模擬(simulation)驗證後,建立了13種faults 及目前tests的對應關係,進而統計fault機率,及加入成本(test time)來推導專家系統(expert system), 產生較合理且最佳的測試tests組合,並由實驗驗證,效果是顯著有效的。
The high density and compact TFT LCD Source Driver IC has been developed recently. The IC contains many non-linear DAC arrays with a characteristic of polarity inversion during operating. Because of these characteristics, there is no well-developed method of the testing the IC. In practice, the test patterns are developed by the test engineer according to design specifications and then modified according to the feedback of the end user of IC, i.e., the TFT_LCD panel manufacturer. The test patterns are inefficient and waste time. In the paper, we have, through the SPICE simulation, developed thirteen fault models to accommodate the tests. And then we create an expert system, in accordance to the real-site IC test statistics, to achieve a better and more efficient set of test patterns. Experimental results have shown that the developed patterns are effective in reducing test time while achieve a good test coverage