Title: | 從TFT- LCD產業發展趨勢探討驅動IC的需求和晶圓代工策略 What Strategy Foundry Should Take for Driver IC: |
Authors: | 鄧士敦 Edward Teng 楊千 Chyan Yang 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | TFT-LCD產業;IC 產業;晶圓代工;驅動IC;IDM;TFT-LCD industry;IC industry;Wafer Foundry;Driver IC;IDM |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 中 文 摘 要 TFT-LCD產業是台灣兩兆雙星計畫之一,也是繼半導體產業後最耀眼的新興產業,隨著TFT-LCD的快速成長,也帶動上、中、下游相關廠商的商機,從機器設備、玻璃基板、ITO導電玻璃、偏光板、背光模組、控制/驅動IC、及IC的測試與封裝也都隨之蓬勃發展且逐漸地轉移至國內設計或生產製造。而台灣由於在IC設計和晶圓代工有相對的競爭優勢,如何擅加利用這種優勢,讓驅動IC設計和晶圓代工業者,透過適當的策略與分工,搭上TFT-LCD這班成長快車,是本研究的目的。 台灣的晶圓代工從創立以來,都是循既定模式成長,即在製程上不斷研發演進,不斷的投入資金,讓客戶用最新的技術生產晶片,以保持獲利成長。但由於驅動IC並不須要太先進的製程,且單價和毛利較低,過去的“維持性的創新”成長模式無法保證半導體業在驅動IC這個領域的成功,很顯然地,晶圓代工業必須有不同於過去的創新策略來因應這個挑戰。 本論文從“破壞性創新”的角度思考,以財務、營運流程、客戶、創新學習、和風險等構面來檢驗幾種可能方案,並佐以專家訪談的結果,建議晶圓代工領導廠商,放棄以往投資擴產,以增加產量的方式,而改採策略聯盟的方式,以技術、營運管理能力,交換二、三線晶圓廠的產能,來因應快速成長的驅動IC需求。 ABSTRACT TFT-LCD industry is the newly arising star right after semiconductor industry in Taiwan. With quick growth of TFT-LCD industry, it brings in great business opportunity of glass substrate, ITO glass, polarizer film, backlight module, control/driver IC, and testing/assembly etc. Most of these key components or equipments were provided by international companies in the past. Now there is a strong incentive to manfacture these key components locally with the take-off of TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan. With the competitive advantage at IC design and wafer foundry, the purpose of this thesis is to discover the solution of growth for wafer foundry and IC design companies that aim to TFT-LCD driver IC. From the foundation of wafer foundry business, its growth equation has been continuous investment at next or more advanced technologies to ensure high profit margin that will be consequently used for even more advanced technologies later. This model has been well proven in the past, however, it may not work for driver IC since unit price and profit margin of driver IC are relatively lower although its demand is huge and stable. To wafer foundry, an innovative strategy is necessary to remain success in the field of driver IC. Instead of sustaining innovation, this study tries to provide the solution of disruptive innovation for wafer foundry and drive IC companies. Several proposals were suggested and examined through various aspects of finance, operation capability, customer base, innovation, and risk. The expertise from interviews with the professionals at IC design, wafer foundry, and TFT-LCD is also put into consideration. The results of this study indicate that investment for more capacity is not recommended. Strategic alliance between the leading wafer foundry and 2nd/ 3rd tier foundries is suggested. Through cross licence of technology and operating knowledge, both leading wafer foundry and 2nd/3rd tier foundries will enjoy the fast growing market of driver IC. With this approach, leading foundry won’t risk itself to face to crystal cycle and 2nd/3rd tier foundries will win the opportunity to penetrate driver IC manufacturing. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40213 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |