標題: 自我效能對網路合作學習之影響
The Impacts of self-efficacy on web-based cooperative learning
作者: 梁家玉
Chiayu Liang
Chuen-Tsai Sun
Sunny Lin
關鍵字: 自我效能;匿名;同儕互動;網路合作學習;社會懈怠;學習動機;群組組合;社會學習理論;self-efficacy;anonymity;the use of pseudonums;interaction within classmate;web-based cooperative learning;social-loafing;learning motivation;group;social cognitive theory
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本研究建構了一個「匿名」的網路合作設計環境,企圖探討「自我效能」因素,對合作學習過程中,個人知覺與實際行為的影響,並且希望找出較佳的合作分組方式,改進教室內呆板的學習方式,及同儕間「面對面」合作學習的若干缺失。 教學實驗從高職「資料處理科」五個班級中,選取135位有效樣本,按照「程式設計」學科「自我效能問卷」得分的高低,以三種不同的群組方式,進行「電腦遊戲軟體」的共同創作。研究針對「集體效能」、「合作滿意度」、「作品成績」及「互動模式」等變項,進行資料的收集,並以量化統計及質性分析,兩者交互參照的方法,整合結論。 研究結果有以下重要發現: (1) 「自我效能」間接影響合作「知覺」 (2) 「自我效能」直接影響小組「互動模式」 (3) 「自我效能」與能力表現相關 (4) 匿名合作減少「社會懈怠」(5) 效能混合的「高中低」分組較佳。
This thesis studies the impacts of self-efficacy on web-based cooperative learning by conducting an instructional experiment in an anonymous, online, web-based, cooperative design environment. The subjects, 135 vocational high school students majored in Data Processing, were organized into small groups, in three different ways, based on their scores on a self-efficacy questionnaire. Without knowing partners’ real identities, they were then assigned a collaborative computer game design course project. The impacts of self-efficacy on students’ perception and actual behavior in a cooperative learning process was studied to reveal better grouping strategies, to improve conventional classroom style learning and to remedy the drawbacks of ‘face-to-face’ collaboration among peers. The experiment focused on factors such as collective self-efficacy, satisfaction about cooperation, project scores, and social interaction. The collected data was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed, to achieve several concluding remarks. This study suggests: (1) self-efficacy indirectly influences on cooperative perception, (2) self-efficacy directly impacts the social interaction of a group, (3) self-efficacy is related to individual performance, (4) anonymous collaboration reduces social loafing, and (5) the grouping strategy based on students with mixed self-efficacy levels is better.