標題: 土木結構修復補強知識管理與支援決策輔助資訊系統之研究
Study of a Developing Knowledge Management and Decision Support System in Structure Strengthening in Civil Engineering
作者: 林子軒
Tzu-Shiuan Lin
Dr. Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: 知識管理;案例式推理;資料庫;資訊系統;結構補強;KM;CBR;DATA BASE
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 1999年9月21日台灣發生了規模7.3的集集大地震,造成相當多的房屋、道路毀壞及人員死傷。如何將毀傷未倒塌之結構補強以繼續使用,成為了重要的課題之一,也產累積不少的案例與研究成果。而這些案例也就是土木工程師於結構補强領域知識與經驗的累積。然而每一個案例都包含相當多的資料與資訊,資料分散於各地、儲存於各種報告中。若能將案例中寶貴的知識與智慧妥善加以分類管理與萃取,日後當面臨一個新的補強案例時,便能夠很快的從過去的經驗獲得結構補強的相關資訊與適合的補強時機。 為了解決上述之問題,本研究的目的為建立一個知識管理與支援決策輔助系統,利用資料庫技術,將補強案例裡的資料與資訊妥善的加以分類管理儲存於電腦系統中,並利用案例基推理方式(Case Based Reasoning)搜尋案例庫比對最相似之案例,以提供決策者過去曾經發生過的案例並建議目前問題的解決方法。本系統使用Visual Basic 程式語言來開發,並利用多媒體技術將補強相關知識建立一視覺化之多媒體輔助說明,多媒體能提供視覺化的學習環境使原本為抽象的觀念或肉眼看不清楚的學習內容具體呈現出來,可用來輔助工程師或決策者參考目前問題的情境與特徵來增加其類比推理能力,進而提升解決問題的創造力,對於不清楚的部分也可快速的透過輔助說明系統來瞭解,進而快速的學習相關專家所累積的知識,如此可減少金錢與資源之浪費,以達到預期之效果。
After the 921 earthquake happened, the structure repairing cases had increased obviously. However, many useful data in the structure repairing cases were distributed over varied reports, result of the repairing analysis not efficient enough when facing new change cases. It is necessary to build an integrated system to collect, classify and manage those data, so that the related information and proper time of the structure repairing can be concluded via this system. Therefor, the objective of this research is to develop a knowledge management and decision support system using Visual Basic programming technology. Furthermore, In this system, the data in the repairing cases are classified and stored in the computer systems with database techniques first, then using Case Based Reasoning(CBR) technique search database to find the most similarity case to recommend solution suitable for a new problem. Moreover, the multimedia techniques are applied to the system to explain the ideas which are abstract and unapparent.