標題: 漁貨供應鏈整合性資料倉儲系統的設計與實作
Design and Implementation of Integrated Vessel Data Warehouse System in Seafood Supply Chain
作者: 王正宇
Cheng-Yu Wang
關鍵字: 漁船資訊查詢網;漁船監控系統;漁船資料倉儲;檔案傳送服務;資料轉換服務;線上分析處理;Vessel Information Enquiring Web;Vessel Monitoring System;Vessel Data Warehouse;File Transfer Service;Data Transformation Service;On Line Analytical Processing
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 一套整合性的漁船資料倉儲系統被設計並應用在台灣的漁貨供應鏈上。實質上,漁船資訊的傳遞是由航行在海上的漁船,透過人造衛星傳遞至各處地面接收站的資料庫。而分散在各地的資料庫的漁船資料,透過網際網路蒐集至集中的漁船資料倉儲。爾後漁船資料以XML文件的形式發佈至各地漁公司資料庫。在整個漁船資訊傳遞的取得與傳送過程,使用的資訊技術包括三階正規化資料庫、雪花式綱要資料倉儲、檔案傳輸服務、資料轉換服務、XML文件、爪哇訊息服務等技術。所有漁船資料倉儲之設計與實作工作,有助於提升漁貨供應鏈資料的可靠度。
An integrated Vessel Data Warehouse (VDW) has been designed and implemented for the seafood supply chain in Taiwan. Essentially the vessel data are propagated from various vessels on the high sea through satellites to the databases of land-based stations in different locations. Then the vessel data in the distributed databases are collected together into the centralized VDW through the Internet. Next the vessel data as XML-based documents are delivered to the database of each vessel company. The information technology involved in the acquisition and delivery processes includes a 3rd normal form database, a snow schema-based data warehouse, file transfer service, data transformation service, XML-based documents, Java message service, etc. All the efforts in design and implementation of VDW are for making the vessel-related data in the seafood supply chain more reliable and controllable.