Title: 半導體廠製造課長之問題解決認知作業分析
A Cognitive Task Analysis of Production Supervisors’ Problem Solving in a Semiconductor Foundry
Authors: 鄭祝祥
Chu-Hsiang Cheng
許 尚 華
Dr. Shang-Hwa Hsu
Keywords: 半導體廠製造課長;問題解決;多媒體;Production Supervisors of Semiconductor Foundry;Problem Solving;Multimedia
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 隨著資訊技術的快速進步,知識工作者於工作過程中必須大量運用多媒體與電腦互動來收集、整理與歸納資訊或知識,以解決各類問題。本研究以半導體廠之製造課長為研究對象,以其工作中之重要作業『當日產能與需求分析』為例。以分散式認知理論的觀點運用放聲思考法觀察、分析其在作業中是如何透過多媒體與電腦資料庫互動,運用既有知識進行資料探索(information seeking)、問題解決的認知行為模式。並確認其運用多媒體與電腦資料庫互動時的問題點與需求。 研究結果發現,在這個由製造課長與資料庫所組成的認知系統中,人員負擔過多認知運作。因此人員有以下需求:1.由資料庫輔助選擇適當的策略性知識。2.將程序性知識儲存在資料庫中。3.就資料庫呈現資料、資訊而言,有將資料依照作業目的及相關性排列呈現的需求。4.資料與資訊應以方便心智整合的方式呈現,以助人員發現、解決問題。
This study which taking production supervisors of the semiconductor foundry as subjects uses think-aloud technique on the basis of distributed cognition theory to observe and analyzes subjects’ cognitive behavior modes when using multimedia interaction with database system in “the analysis of production and demand for today” task. The result shows that people in the cognitive system formed with production supervisors and data base management system bear too many cognitive operations in the processes of information seeking and problem solving. Therefore, they need the database system to support strategic knowledge and procedural knowledge selection and storage. And the database system should display the data and information on the basis of the task characteristics. Make sure the data and information should be displayed to the form with which people can easily integrate in order to help people discover and solve problems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis