Title: 物流中心空間配置模式應用
An Application of Spatial Layout Model for Distribution Centers
Authors: 劉昱志
Yu-Chih Liou
Chuan-Fang Wang
Tai-Sheng Huang
Keywords: 物流中心;空間佈置;distribution center;layout
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 隨著民眾消費習慣逐漸改變,市場商業型態也急遽轉型,供應商不再居於主導的地位,零售通路崛起成為最貼近消費者、反映市場需求的重要角色,整體行銷通路體系由多層次而複雜的通路逐漸轉為由供應商透過供應鍊(Supply Chain)將貨品送至各零售據點的作業方式。 傳統的生產競爭擴展到了商品流通與商情傳遞的競爭型態。物流中心(Distribution Center)整合各項通路機能,扮演著維繫上下游間的流通管道,成為產業物流系統中的重要單元,其營運效率足以影響整個物流系統的成敗,加上建置成本高昂,若是初期無法依照需求預先妥善規劃,屆時要想重新進行改善勢必需付出許多代價。本研究嘗試由物流中心內部空間佈置的角度,結合影響空間佈置之貨物特性、設備選用、作業程序、部門關聯性等因素,探討如何適當地佈置物流中心的內部空間,以期充分發揮物流中心之功能。 由於數學模式之最佳解求解費時,本研究結合定性與定量因素之考量,發展單樓層空間佈置模式之尋優演算法。建構式演算法程序包含兩個階段:(1)首先依據部門相鄰關聯性作為判斷的準則來決定各部門的佈置順序,以期相鄰關聯性較高之部門能夠盡量靠近;(2)依序針對各部門選擇適當的佈置位置,將部門放置於可用空間範圍內並完成佈置方案。透過範例分析,本研究之演算法求解迅速,佈置方案空間使用率高達八成且符合預期設定條件,結合電腦程式之圖像化方式來呈現空間佈置成果,本研究之成果可作為規劃者發展物流中心空間佈置方案時之輔助工具。
As the consumption habits chage, the commercial market changes rapidly. Promotion approaches were multi-layer and complex. But nowadays, retailers, instead of suppliers, are in leading roles. Suppliers must coordinate with retailers and sell their products via the supply chains. The circulation of goods information is getting much more important than the manufacture. In the supply chains, distribution centers (D.C.) assemble all functions of the promotion approaches and are the key facilities of the whole logistic system. Their operation efficiency has a great impact on the success or failure of the supply chains. Furthermore, it costs a lot to construct a D.C.. So we need a conscientious plan at the initial stage of the planning process. This paper utilizes the information of cargo, equipments, working process, and department relationships to develop a methodology for one-floor D.C. layout design with the considerations of quantitative and qualitative factors. Because of the complexity of obtaining the optimization solution by analytical approach, a construction algorithm of layout design is proposed in this paper. It contains two major parts: (1) according to the relationships of the departments, we determine their priorities of layout sequences, (2) according to the priorities, we layout the departments in the available land space. This paper also proposes a computer program to solve the problem. The computer program can be an assistant tool for planners with the powerful computation ability and the visual layout display system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis