DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShu-Chuan Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Cheng-Min Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Kai-Chieh Chiaen_US
dc.description.abstract過去十幾年來,由於國內勞動成本上升、地價高漲、以及大陸市場的不斷開放,國內業者紛紛轉向資源豐富、生產要素成本低廉,且擁有廣大市場的中國大陸尋求發展,到目前為止已有近六萬家的企業前往大陸地區投資經營。此外,據統計中國大陸的企業在商品的整個生産銷售過程中,加工和製造的時間僅佔10%,物流過程則幾乎消耗了90%的時間,可見物流業在中國大陸應有很大的發展空間。而且在中國大陸加入WTO之後,正逐漸開放外商投資經營物流業的限制,使得投資更有保障,將吸引更多的台商企業進軍大陸市場,因此本研究以台商的觀點針對兩岸物流的經營現況作分析探討,並了解目前兩岸物流運作是否具有顯著差異及兩岸政府政策面與環境面對其運作方式是否具有顯著的影響,以作為國內物流業者進入大陸投資時的參考,使其能充分掌握大陸的經營狀況,易於從事兩岸物流之經營規劃。 本研究針對於兩岸同時經營的物流業與製造業(包括資訊電子業、金屬基本工業、塑膠製品業、化學製品業)進行問卷調查,大陸地區之研究範圍則選定佔台商投資業者最多的江蘇/上海、廣東、福建等地區。 透過變異數分析和迴歸分析法對問卷進行分析、以及對物流業者深度訪談的結果顯示,目前前往大陸投資經營的物流業者主要以國際貨物承攬業為主,在兩岸所安排處理的國際貨物運送,係以「Port to Port」之型式佔最多比例;內陸之運輸則係與公路貨運業者合作為客戶提供服務。而製造業廠商在台灣平均有27%的貨物運送是公司自行處理,73%的貨物委託給物流業者運送;在大陸的台商製造業廠商平均亦有28%的貨物運送是公司自行處理,63%的貨物委託給大陸當地物流業者運送,而9%的貨物是委託給台商所經營之物流公司運送。 在差異性分析方面,物流業與製造業廠商在兩岸的物流服務項目與貨物運送方式並沒有顯著的差異,不同的是有些業者之倉儲配送方面在台灣以自行經營為主,大陸則以委外經營為主。在兩岸所提供的服務項目方面,物流業均能滿足製造業廠商之需求。而物流業者亦認為政府政策面與環境面對其較有影響的因素包括:在台灣有「政府未設置物流專責機關」、「兩岸直航」、「通關程序簡單化與效率化」以及「物流專業人才的培育」,而大陸尚包括「物流標準化、自動化的推動與使用」、「資訊化與網路化」。此外,業者在大陸方面常遇到的問題還包括跨區配送及客戶信用風險等。最後經由本研究的分析提出了未來物流業者前往大陸之物流經營策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past decade, many companies in Taiwan advanced into the Mainland China and enjoyed economic advantages such as cheap but good labor force and inexpensive price of land. By the survey report, Chinese companies manufacture products by less than10% of total times, and their logistic processes spend 90% of total times. This inefficient logistics operation implies that logistics companies will have a big room to improve and thus a large marketplace in China. After China entered in WTO, the investment restriction has been gradually released and more enterprises advanced into the Mainland China. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on the Taiwan’s logistics companies and manufacturers between Taiwan and Mainland China to investigate their current logistic operation. The researched area includes Taiwan, Jiangshu/Shanghai, Guangdong, and Fujian. By means of the questionnaire and face-to-face interviewing survey to the logistic companies, the major results of the study are summarized as following: (1) At present, logistics companies advanced into the Mainland China are mainly forwarders that arrange the transport of most cargoes by “Port to Port”; (2) Manufacturers in Taiwan conduct 27% of cargoes by themselves and outsource 73% of cargoes to logistics companies while Taiwan’s manufacturers in Mainland China conduct 28% of cargoes by themselves, outsource 63% of cargoes to logistics companies of Mainland and 9% of cargoes to Taiwan’s logistics companies in Mainland China.; (3) The logistics service items and delivery ways for logistics companies, manufacturers between Taiwan and Mainland China are insignificantly different; (4) The transportation and logistics between Taiwan and Mainland China are both influenced by specialized logistics department of government, cross-strait direct traffic, simplification and efficiency of customs, and logistics professionals; (5) Lack of logistics standardization procedure, automated equipments, information technology, and cross-region harmonization, credit risks with customers become operational obstacles in Mainland China. Finally, the study proposes logistics operational strategies for logistic enterprises that will advance into Mainland China.en_US
dc.subjectCross-Strait Logisticsen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan's Enterprises in Mainlanden_US
dc.titleCross-Strait Comparison of the Current and Future Logistics Development by Viewpionts of Taiwan's Enterprisesen_US