Title: | 明基電通經營策略之個案研究 A Case study of BenQ’s Branding Strategy |
Authors: | 江海平 Hai-Ping Chiang 虞孝成 Hsiao-cheng Yu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 自創品牌、經營策略;strategy、OBM |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 台灣企業以代工起家,靠著精良的製造品質與低廉的製造成本取勝,長期以來,藉著為國際大廠代工,得以在國際產業分工體系中佔一席之地。但近年來隨著土地及工資成本上揚,國內製造環境的低成本優勢逐漸被大陸及東南亞國家取而代之。臺灣許多代工廠商,在客戶不斷流失的情況下,積極進行自創品牌之業務,以期降低環境改變帶來的衝擊,本研究希望能從台灣自創品牌廠商的經驗中探索出成功之策略,讓未來有意從事自創品牌的廠商做為參考。
近年來明基致力於行銷通路的佈建,陸續完成歐洲及亞太地區行銷據點的建立,並成功在中國大陸打開品牌知名度,在品牌建立上可說已獲致初步的成效,其經營策略應可作為國內其他欲發展自有品牌企業之借鏡。本研究一開始先著重有關企業經營策略、品牌定義、品牌決策、品牌相關文獻之資料蒐集與探討,接著以個案研究的方式作探索式的研究,最後希望能歸納出明基在發展品牌過程中經營策略可學習之處,以及其關鍵成功因素,可作為其他發展自有品牌企業未來決策之參考。 Taiwan enterprises used to be specialized in contract-manufacturing for global giants,the major competence are “low cost” and “high flexibility”.In confrontation of the inferior condition of labor shortage and increasing product cost,Taiwan's industrial/ business sectors have been facing against the severe challenge towards the world market. To upgrade competitive capability becomes the key to success. An increasing need to transit from OEM to ODM, even OBM inside a business is apparent. Furthermore,adaptive corporate strategy becomes a major factor to determine if the transition is successful. The balance between the business model of OEM and Retailing is extremely difficult to maintain. This research employs mainly the “case study” method that is used often in qualitative analysis and the in-depth interview.The report took the BenQ as the target company and drew five parts of BenQ’s success as follow:1.Strategy of diversity of products2.Control of key components3.Channel Management4.Grasp the opportunity of growth of China market5.Timing. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69992 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |