標題: 跨平台整合之新聞流程管理系統
Cross-Platform Integrative, journalistic Flow Control System
作者: 陳昶任
Chen-Jen Chen
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 新聞;媒體;XML;新聞群組;journalistic;media;XML;newsgroup
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 全球資訊蓬勃發展的今天,新聞媒體實際上是扮演大量資訊被分析篩選後有價的內容產物。而在現今競爭愈來愈激烈新聞媒體,如何增加新聞來源點,提高新聞內容的精確、完整等價值,並且降低媒體採訪編排成本,是每個新聞媒體極欲努力的方向。 跨平台整合之新聞流程管理系統,是將各類型態的資料來源,包括新聞群組、手機、XML站上內容、語音、電話等多型態新聞,以極少數的人力,極低的管理成本中、完整的新聞手門員機制,從每日上百萬種資料流中焠煉中最有價值的新聞內容 ;產生的新聞內容再根據不同新聞屬性再重新撰寫編修,之後以不同的方式呈現,達到單一內容(Content)多平台利用價值;配合『歷史檢索』讓單一內容單一時間點轉化成多而豐富的面報導,增加新聞內容的重覆利用性;最後透過流程控管加上『稽核系統』,一方面要求新聞工作者對內容素質的嚴格把關,進而不斷要求精益求精外,另一方面透過追蹤新聞工作者參與記錄,幫助媒體企業體在各樣評比考績上有客觀的依據。 本論文主要分成三個部份: 首先會針對目前有的實體及網路媒體作大略介紹,透過了解台灣各大平面媒體、電子媒體、廣播媒體、網路媒體知道目前媒體的對內容產出模式,並介紹相關應用的技術。接著會針對跨平台整合之新聞流程管理系統提出設計策略並勾勒出系統架構,並介紹如何使實際參與娸體的工作人員與本系統相互配合來完成一篇完整的稿件並轉移到不同型態的媒體。 第二部份先介紹守門員理論,接著將實際實作一份稿件如何從完全無用的資料,透過特定方式,其中包含了自動(資料分析)與人工(線民報線索)的方式,成為初期線索;透過記者、主編與總編的合作下,完成一份稿件;將一份完成好的稿件透過XML的方式儲存並將稿件上稿至前端,讓閱眾能讀到有價值的新聞。 最後一部份是簡介系統實作等相關條件,並針對系統實作後提出自我心得檢討,並期許在未來工作中能繼續完成論文中更多的遠景。
Today is global information explosion and newsmedia is the results by which huge information is filtered. Journalistic competition is more serious and all newsmedia want to achieve the goal, which is increasing news source, high up news determinacy and value, and costing down investigative report and edit. Cross-Platform Integrative, journalistic Flow Control System is a newsmedia processing system. All kinds of huge source is processed more streamlined and more cost-efficient based on gatekeeper theory to news content. These source include news group, mobile content, voice content, web system and XML system etc. All news content will be rewrite base on different platform and it will down operating cost. Besides, single time point news content can be translated to tracking news content by history search. Finally, re-evaluate system worked with these processing system will help newsman more professional on news content, and help newsmedia organization to evaluate news employee in impersonal point and some dimensional rule. This thesis consists of three major parts: (1) We describe today's newsmedia, including newspaper, radio, television and network media. By introducing newsmedia, we picture system structure and how newsman can work together with this system. (2) We introduce what is gatekeeper theory at first. And then we physically exercise how news source process to news content cooperating by reporter, editor and master editor, and how to store content in XML way and publish to browser. (3) We outline system conditions and our acquaintance about this system. We also describe possible future work.
Appears in Collections:Thesis