標題: 數位圖書館動態資訊系統架構之研究
A Study on Digital Library Information System Framework using Dynamic Metadata
作者: 余顯強
Shien-chiang Yu
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: 電子文獻傳遞;元資料;數位圖書館;網路服務;延展式標示語言;Electronic Document Delivery;Metadata;Digital Library;Web Services;XML
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 資訊組織的對象、範圍過去多是以印刷或視聽媒體為主,然而,隨著電子出版品、使用者介面與資訊媒體等應用與演變,使得資訊組織的範圍更加擴大。而數位典藏、電子出版的普及與網路的發達,使得圖書館必須朝向數位化圖書館的領域發展,館藏政策也從「擁有」轉為「取得」為導向。但是,使用者有不同層級之資訊需求,如:檢索需求、管理需求、保存需求等。不同的資訊亦有不同的文獻特質,如地理資訊、博物館資訊、科技文獻、文學創作、音樂作品等,均各有其不同之文獻結構、媒體特性、使用習性。 當傳統以紙本資料為主要服務介面的圖書館,朝向電子化典藏的數位圖書館時,如何有效管理各種不同應用型態的metadata,提供使用者不同的資訊需求,以及系統一致性的資料存取與傳遞服務,便成了迫切需要解決的問題。 本論文主要是應用XML的結構原理,設計一個包含下列目的之動態metadata資訊系統框架: 1. 解決多種元資料並存的需求。提出一個能夠處理多種metadata,並能集中管理、檢索、和應用權威控制的系統結構。 2. 設計一個電子文獻傳遞模式,應用XML技術探討與設計一個符合電子圖書館與傳統圖書館系統的電子文獻傳遞架構,提供電子商務時代使用者藉由Web查詢與即時取得原件的需求。 3. 使用知識樹的概念組織元資料。將相關聯的元資料串聯在一個知識樹下,提供特定領域知識的整合需求。提供使用者能夠依據其個人需要直接切入知識樹中任一節點,取得所需的資訊。
Current information structure has been servicing the needs of printing and audio/video media, but its scope will be much broader because of the evolutional changes of application and development of electronic publication, user interface, and information media. Electronic publication is gaining in popularity, because the library collection policy “access” is replace by “ownership”. Commonly, an organization information system may have various data types and directory formats. It usually employs different metadata formats to represent the documents. Although the metadata system can cover the different formats of documents, it still exist the integration problems in various metadata systems. This may lower the performance of data processing and impede the information sharing. This thesis discusses the design of a dynamic metadata system framework that addresses: 1. Resolve the demand of multi-metadata co-existence. Propose a system structure of handling various metadata, centralizing the retrieving and interactive crossing authority control. 2. Design a novel electronic document delivery model. Explore the architecture, which XML technique to design the novel electronic document delivery for digital- or legacy- library system. Assist the user to query and retrieve information entity rapidly on the Web. 3. Use knowledge tree concept to organize metadata. Link related metadata to represent a knowledge tree for integrated knowledge of a specific domain. Allow users to access certain node of metadata and to get required information according to their personal needs and perception.