Title: | 入口網站使用者選擇行為及效用函數構建之研究 A Study on Choice Behavior and Utility Function of Portal Website Users |
Authors: | 李宗哲 Chung-Che Li 謝尚行 Shang-Hsing Hsieh 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 個體選擇行為;羅吉特模式;入口網站;Individual Choice Behavior;Logit model;Portal Website |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 網際網路具有允許使用者可以極低成本,迅速轉換提供相關服務廠商的特性,而「入口網站」為匯集流量、社群關係,兼具搜尋連結、個人化使用、生活資訊與購物服務等之『網際空間移轉通道』(Cyber-Shifted Channel)。 網際空間(Cyberspace)使用者之選擇行為,本質上為相關服務的需求及選擇問題。鑑於目前國內並無相關研究以使用者觀點探討上網者對於入口網站之偏好,故本研究之目的以陳述性偏好問卷捕捉上網者入口網站選擇行為,以個體選擇理論為基礎,利用多項羅吉特模式建立上網者選擇入口網站行為模式,並針對網際空間的特性構建出入口網站的效用函數。同時以上網者之屬性做為市場區隔之標準,探討各區隔市場之選擇行為,可作為日後網站業者在做行銷策略規劃的參考。 本研究所得之結果如下: 1、本研究認為入口網站的效用可由搜尋、信箱和新聞三項服務構建而成,而影響使用者使用搜尋服務的因素為作業時間、網站品牌和搜尋效果;影響使用者使用信箱的因素包括作業時間、網站品牌和單位信箱容量;而影響使用者閱讀新聞服務的因素為作業時間、網站品牌、吸引閱讀的新聞數和是否提供新聞照片。 2、整體模式校估的結果顯示,處理時間、搜尋效果、信箱容量、吸引新聞數及是否提供新聞照片等變數皆顯著。而品牌只有奇摩雅虎網站的品牌有顯著,表此品牌能提高使用者選擇服務的機率。 3、透過社經變數及上網特性變數做市場區隔 (1)以社經屬性為區隔之模式,以概似比檢定方法檢驗區隔模式結果顯示:以「年齡」和「學院」二者為區隔的模式較原模式解釋能力為佳,而以「性別」、「學校」、「學級」與「生活費用」皆不顯著。 (2)在以上網特性為區隔的結果顯示以「上網經驗」和「使用入口網站個數」二者為區隔的模式較原模式為佳。 Internet is characterized by admitting users to use the services with low cost and to switch into other related services provider immediately. Portal website could gather the flow and social group relationship together and also provide website searching , personal usage, daily life information and shopping service. Portal website is so called the Cyber-Shifted Channel as a result. The nature of choice behavior of Cyberspace users is the demand and choice problem for related services. Because there is no related research discuss the preference of the portal website with the viewpoint of internet users, this research try to catch the portal website choice behavior of internet users with stated preference questionnaire based on the choice theory. This research also adopt mutilnominal logit model to construct a portal website choice behavior model of internet users and consider the characteristic of Cyberspace while constructing utility function of portal website 1、This research hold the opinion that the utility of portal website is compose of searching service, email box, and news. The key influence factors for internet users to use searching service include operation time, website brand, and search result. The key influence factors for internet users to use email box service include operation time, website brand, and uint capacity of email box. The key influence factors for internet users to use email box service include operation time, the amount of attractive news, and weather the related photo of the news is provided. 2、The result of the analysis shows that operation time, search result, capacity of email box, the amount of attractive news, and weather the related photo of the news is provided are significant. And for the website brand, only KIMO-YAHOO be significant. This result means that only this brand could increase the choice probability of users. 3、This research also takes social economic variables and the characteristics of internet usage as market segment variable. The analysis has two results as follow. (1) While taking social economic variables as market segment variable, the result of likelihood test shows two interesting results. First, when use “age” and “college” as market segment variable separately both has better interpret ability than original model. Second, when use “sex”, “school”, “grade”, and “living expenses” as market segment variable separately all are not significant. (2) While taking characteristics of internet usage as market segment variable, the result of likelihood test shows an interesting result. When use “experience of using internet” and “the number of portal websites you use” as market segment variable separately both has better interpret ability than original model. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/70331 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |