Title: | 網路媒體業經營模式之研究 - 以A入口網站女性時尚頻道為例 A Study of the Business Model in Internet Media Industry - The Case of A Portal Site Fashion Channel |
Authors: | 江瑋屏 Chiang, Wei-Ping 楊千 Yang, Chyan 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 入口網站;女性/時尚網站;網路廣告;網路使用行為;資源基礎理論;Portal Site;Female/Fashion;Internet Advertising;Internet Usage Behavior;RBV |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 在這個資訊過載、消費者一心多用的時代,網路持續佔不分上班時段或晚間黃金時段的第一大媒體,加上網友對網路廣告的接受度攀升,更強化了企業(廣告主)對網路廣告的信心,促使網路媒體的價值體現速度越來越快,加劇網路媒體公司彼此間的競爭。 本研究針對A入口網站女性時尚頻道作為主要探討對象,是由於近年來以女性為主要目標客群的網路媒體市場規模快速增長,企業紛紛朝此方向發崛新商機,帶動了女性類網站對廣告收入之成長。藉由深度的個案研究,帶讀者一同了解網路媒體產業之經營模式、運作流程與競爭策略,以及探究女性網路使用者之行為。透過本研究有助於學術界了解網路媒體界的真實脈動,並有助於實務界釐清其自身的行動行為,進而以此作為決策活動調整的基礎,提供網路媒體公司日後進行網站最佳化、網路應用服務創新之參考依據。 本研究所得之結論:(一)女性時尚頻道內部分析方面:即時通訊是頻道流量最關鍵的來源,有很高比例的使用者是透過即時通訊來取得生活資訊,顯示社交網路媒體的重要性與日俱增;頻道流量內部因素除了受到內容精彩度、視覺設計感之影響外,還受到頻道更新頻率與關鍵版位下標方式之影響。外部因素受到節慶、假日與特殊大型活動之影響;頻道使用者類型為年齡層較高的輕熟女或熟女。(二)女性網路使用者行為方面:極度偏好愛情與性愛類議題,且非常喜歡算命;對唱衰型、悲情類的關鍵字有高度興趣;偏好偶像劇女主角、資深女藝人與具代表性的名模名媛,對知名或當紅男明星之興趣反而較低;偏好具有步驟指導的髮型、瘦身或保養造型類等實用性內容,流露出多數女性有想效法變美麗的心態;每日對網路具有高度黏著度,星期五上站人數最少。(三)網路媒體經營分析部分:獲利模式仍以網路廣告收入為主,衡量網路廣告效益已不能只看傳統的廣告點擊率,還必須將廣告互動率等其他因素納入評估;競爭優勢除了以入口網站、即時通訊的經營能力為基礎外,RichMedia廣告服務發展愈強,網路媒體公司競爭優勢也愈大。 Internet has become the biggest medium no matter for working hours or golden hours in the night. This situation has let the value of Internet media be realized quickly and accelerated the competition among Internet media companies, especially among the female/fashion websites which are rapidly developing now. This research uses a case study method to study the business model of an industry leader, A portal site fashion channel, so as to understand the operation of Internet media industry and to find out the Internet usage behavior of females as well as the competitive strategy for the company. Firstly, we found that most of pageviews for the fashion channel surprisingly came from the service of instant messenger, which indicated the increasingly importance of social network media. Pageviews associated with website success were significantly influenced by the internal factors (content, layout, frequency of updating content, and attractive keyword of the subject) and the external factors (holiday, weekend, and special event). Secondly, female Internet users extremely like casting fortunes about love and sex. They were always attracted to the miserable, sexy or successful female word of a text link and further clicked it. They also like the instructive articles provided in becoming more beautiful. In addition, female Internet users have higher tendency to stick to internet. Lastly, the main revenue model of an Internet media company is still focusing on Internet advertising. The measurement of Internet advertising performance is not only through traditional click-through rate but also interaction rate. In addition providing high qualities of content and service, the company must develop innovative online advertising solutions---RichMedia to create the competitive advantages. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/42926 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |