標題: 我國電腦遊戲之關鍵成功因素
Critical Success Factors of Computer Game in Taiwan
作者: 楊士良
Shih-Liang Yang
Dr. Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 電腦遊戲;重複測度
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 在全球產業一片不景氣的情形中,無論在國內或國外,遊戲產業卻依舊以驚人的速度成長。在台灣,平均每個月有數十款的電腦遊戲軟體上市發行,其中只有極少數能夠獲得玩家青睞,在市場上佔有一席之地。因此,在如此瞬息萬變,難以獲得成功的遊戲軟體產業內,本研究試圖由消費者的觀點出發,尋找出一些可以使得遊戲軟體成功的共通準則。
Although the worldwide business is depressed, the game industry has been growing rapidly in domestic and overseas market. In Taiwan, more than 10 new computer games are launched per month averagely, but very few of them would be favored by computer game players to play an important role in the computer game market. Because of the changing situation, the computer game industry is very hard to achieve success in the market. Thus the main purpose of this study is to investigate some common elements from the viewpoints of consumers can cause computer games to success.
It is by studying the documents and referring to the suggestion from the game companies to find all possible critical influential factors. And only keep the factors that can be recognized by consumers as the research variable in this study.
This study used web-questionnaires to collect data from computer game players, and the valid respondents are 463. Furthermore, the factors that players care about were obtained by using repeated measurement and Bonferroni analysis. The result of this study showed that the relative important factors considered by consumers are different by gender and age, but the common important factors are almost the same. These factors are “the design of the screen pictures”, “the design of the music and sound”, “the design of the background and the plot of a play”, “the less bugs”, and “the customer service”. As the most important factors considered by consumers, these five factors are the critical success factors of computer games. Therefore, this study suggests that while making decision of resources allocation, computer game firms shall allocate the limited resources to the above factors first to avoid wasting resources on the minor fields.