Title: 電 影 化 鏡 頭 控 制 在 3D電 腦 遊 戲 之 應 用
Cinematic Camera Control in 3D Computer Games
Authors: 林鼎傑
Ting-Chieh Lin
Zen-Chung Shih
Keywords: 電腦遊戲;電影;鏡頭;計算機圖學;computer game;cinematography;camera;computer graphics
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 電腦遊戲追求的便是高度娛樂性。比起現今許多採用固定視點的遊戲來說,對3D虛擬實境遊戲中很重要的攝影機運鏡方式作規劃,讓良好的取景位置,角度及電影般的運鏡手法來大幅增加遊戲的樂趣並同時兼顧良好的操作性,是值得設計者挑戰的問題。本篇論文將提出一套能實用在現今型態的電腦遊戲的鏡頭控制方法使得在維持良好的操作性的前提下,讓具有即時及互動特性的電腦遊戲結合高度成熟的電影藝術方法以提高其娛樂性及玩家的感受度。此系統藉由鏡頭效果之條件滿足與虛擬導演的結合,產生以事件來驅動的虛擬攝影機運鏡法。並針對考慮遊戲進行中因為鏡頭的突然變換所造成的操作不適感,透過預測的技巧讓鏡頭移動能較為平順,讓玩家感受到良好的操作感。
Most computer games use a fixed point of view camera control technique. However, good camera planning in 3D games can make games more sophisticated and give players better control feelings. Some basic heuristics of filmmaking are good reference to the design of camera planning. In this paper, we discuss the principles of camera control in real-time 3D games and the cinematography concept, encapsulating both of them into camera modules. Furthermore a system is presented for event-driven camera modules selection which is connected to the interactive environment in 3D games. We also present methods to solve the conflict between camera placement and frame coherence in order to avoid the camera jumping around too much. A practical method to avoid obstruction is used in this system to consider the visibility of objects which is important to game context.
Appears in Collections:Thesis