Title: 體感式電玩於醫療復健成效之開發研究
Study on the Effect of Developing Somatosensory Video Game on Medical Rehabilitation
Authors: 翁漢騰
Weng, Han-Teng
Chang, Shin -Tsung
Keywords: 體感式電玩輔具;體感式電玩;醫療輔具;腦性麻痺;assisted somatosensory video game;somatosensory video game;medical aids;Cerebral Palsy
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究經由針對「體感式電玩輔具」相關文獻探討與臺灣高屏地區相關醫療單位8位復健師、老師訪談結果,設計出「臺灣復健師使用體感式電玩復健觀感之調查問卷」。該問卷發放範圍主要以臺灣北、中、南、東四區的綜合醫院、兒童發展教育、基層診所、精神專科醫院、社區復健機構等五類醫療院所之復健師填寫,以問卷回收結果做為本研究「體感式電玩輔具」系統開發之主軸。問卷發放共328份問卷數,經檢視後有效回收問卷262份,回收率達 79.87%。 爾後以電腦視覺影像技術,結合網路攝影機的互動模式開發出「體感式電玩輔具」並與臺灣高屏地區相關醫療單位的發展遲緩兒童進行8週,每週一次,每次30分鐘體感式電玩輔具復健實施研究。實驗前、後評量患童在整合協調、視知覺、動作協調項目經過體感式電玩輔具之療效影響,以獨立樣本平均數考驗予以考驗推論。 實驗結束後,並針對有使用體感式電玩輔具復健之醫療單位7位復健師、老師進行實驗後主觀性訪談,以探討體感式電玩輔具作為醫療輔具設備介入發展遲緩兒童的整合協調、視知覺、動作協調復健成效。
The study, with the literature review of “Assisted Somatosensory Video Game” in addition to the results of interviewing 8 physiotherapists and teachers at relevant medical units in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung region, designed “Questionnaire of Survey on Taiwan Physiotherapists Using Somatosensory Video Game for Rehabilitation”. The questionnaires written by physiotherapists of five medical organizations in northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan including general hospital, child development education, clinic, psychiatric hospital and community-based rehabilitation institution were returned and used as the subje copies were determined valid after review. Response rate reaches 79.87%. Later, “Assisted Somatosensory Video Game” was created in interactive model by combination of visual image technology and web camera, which has been utilized on developmentally delayed children at relevant medical units in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung region for 8 weeks, once a week, 30 minutes each time for studying rehabilitation with assisted somatosensory video game. The curative effect and influence of assisted somatosensory video game on integration and coordination, visual perception and motor coordination of the disabled children were evaluated before and after experiment that were inferred through independent samples t-test. 7 physiotherapists and teachers at the medical units using assisted somatosensory video game for rehabilitation were interviewed, following the end of the experiment, to discuss the effect of assisted somatosensory video game as medical aids for rehabilitation on integration and coordination, visual perception and motor coordination of the developmentally delayed children.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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