Title: Kano二維品質模式於服務品質衡量之應用研究-以新竹市大型百貨公司為例
A Study of Service Quality By Kano’s Two-Dimension Quality Model With Department Stores in Hsinchu City as Example
Authors: 謝成荃
Cheng-Chuan Hsieh
Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 百貨公司;服務品質;Kano二維品質模式;department store;service quality;Kano’s two-dimention quality model
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 近年來我國經濟迅速成長,國民所得大幅提高,國民生活品質不斷提昇,使得服務業蓬勃發展,並主導我國的經濟成長,且在整個經濟結構上佔有非常重要的地位。而在服務業當中,由於百貨業的發展腳步通常與一國經濟發展的程度息息相關,故特別值得我們關注;另一方面由於消費者意識的抬頭,國人對服務品質的需求日益提昇,故百貨公司紛紛強化商品與服務之品質,並提供多樣化之促銷活動來滿足顧客的需求,以獲得更高的市場佔有率和利潤。 然而,品質的定義往往隨著時代的不同而有所差異 ,因此如何找尋出顧客所據以評量品質之角度,是一個值得探討的課題。有鑑於此,本研究擬採用Kano 二維品質模式之應用,盼望能為百貨業提供另一種改善品質的方向,以做為未來加強服務品質之參考;另一方面,並調查不同人口統計背景的消費者,對百貨公司的品質要素是否有顯著不同的看法,最後則是探討消費者對百貨公司的整體滿意度是否會影響其再度消費之意願。 本研究結果顯示:1.百貨公司各品質要素在Kano 模式上會有不同的品質特性歸類。2.不同人口統計背景的消費者,對百貨公司的品質要素有顯著不同的看法。3.消費者對百貨公司的整體滿意度將影響其再度消費之意願並不顯著,有待進一步的驗證。
In recent years, with rapidly economic growth and improvement of living quality, service industry is thriving and gradually dominates domestic economic advancement. Consequently, service industry plays an very important role in whole economic strctures. Among the service industry, we might pay much more attention to the department stores. It is due to the fact that the development of the department stores is closely related to the nation’s economic advancement. In addition, our demand for service quality is getting higher and higher, so department stores that wish to raise their market share and profit have all engaged to improve their product and service quality. As time goes by, the definition of quality varies. Therefore, how to find the way to measure quality base on customer’s aspect is a deserving problem. This study of service quality by Kano’s two-dimension quality model mainly hopes to provide a quality-improving way for department stores. The major findings of this study include: 1.each quality factor of department stores has different quality attribute classification by Kano’s Model. 2.among consumers with different demographics, there are significant distinct opinions. 3.the hypothesis that consumer’s satisfaction at department stores would affect their re-consuming desire is not significant, therefore, the correlation needs further test and verify.
Appears in Collections:Thesis