標題: 製程設備之整合性服務行銷策略 - 台灣IC 製造業之個案研究
Integrating Service Marketing Strategies for Process Equipment – A Case Study of IC fabrication Market in Taiwan
作者: 張櫻子
Dr. Huang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 服務行銷策略;製程設備;IC 製造業;原廠設備商;第三服務供應商;售後服務之營收;售後服務重要性;售後服務之滿意度;Service Marketing Strategies;Process Equipment;IC fabrication;Product provider;Third-party service provider;Service revenue;Importance of service;Service satisfaction
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 半導體產業發展至今,產業之生命周期已由創新階段經歷差異化階段至目前的成本競爭階段。因此每家半導體商都在思索另一個創新 、差異性的新產品行銷策略, 以維持現有之市場佔有率且勝出其他主要競爭者。本論文經由文獻探討發展出半導體製程設備之整合性服務行銷策略研究架構,以個案研究方式探討原廠設備商及第三服務供應商對台灣IC製造業製程設備之整合性服務行銷策略。 在製程設備市場成長性緩慢的情況下,原廠設備商所能發展之重點服務策略及第三服務供應商面對原廠設備商的龐大競爭下,對不同之市場區隔所能發展之差異性策略,係本論文所探討之重點。另,原廠設備商及第三服務供應商所能提供之一般服務內容特徵,並於此論文中探討。 結論顯示,晶圓代工廠在選擇服務廠商時,對智慧財產權及晶圓之單位成本較為重視。故,原廠設備商可利用產品使用相關售前服務(Usage related pre-sale service)及產品使用中之信心(Confidence in use)為差異化行銷策略,然第三服務供應商可與原廠設備商策略聯盟以建立短期良好客戶關係及技術技能,進一步結合低成本零件及量身訂做之服務作為長期行銷策略規劃。DRAM廠則較注重服務績效及價格。故,原廠設備商可著重於提供產品使用相關售前及售後服務(Usage related pre- and post- sale service)以及加強客戶對服務使用之信心(Confidence in use),然第三服務供應商可與原廠設備商策略聯盟以共同拓展業務。IDM廠則較注重實用實付之叫修服務及價格。故,原廠設備商可利用產品使用相關售前服務(Usage related pre-sale service)為建立良好客戶關係之策略。而,第三服務供應商可利用與原廠設備商策略聯盟所建立之經驗以提供非技術關鍵性之服務。
This article develops a case study based framework for formulating integrated service strategies for warranty end semiconductor process equipment in the industrial context by investigating the tendency of customer’s perception on the importance service acquire either from product provider or third-party service provider in Taiwan IC fabrication Market. The importance of the possible service strategy that process equipment provider can develop when the market growth of equipment is slowing down and the third-party service provider can differentiate its competency with the product provider are examined in this case study. Moreover, the general service features that product provider and third-party service provider can possess are also studied. The results show that Foundry firms have a favorable perception on the protection of property information proprietary and cost per wafer pass. Product provider can use usage related presale service and confidence in use as a means of differentiating their integrated service in this market segment whereas third-party service provider can have strategic alliance with product provider to build-up customer relationship and technical know-how in short term and supporting the customized service with low cost parts alone in long term. DRAM firm was found to have distinct preference on service performance and service price. Thus, Product provider can focus service strategy on offering usage related product service and increasing customer’s confidence in use whereas third-party service provider can have strategic alliance with product provider in business promotion. IDM aware of paid by usage with on-call service and service price. Consequently product provider may use the usage related pre-sale as a means of building a relationship with customer in this market segment. Meanwhile, third-party service provider can provide non-critical service by leveraging strategic alliance in Foundry segment and DRAM segment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis