標題: 醫療機構PACS系統架構程度相關因素探討-以台灣中部醫院為例
The Influential Factor of Contructing PACS in Hospitals -- a study in the hospitals at central Taiwan
作者: 林逸
Yi Lin
Jen-Hon Huang
關鍵字: 醫院;影像擷取及傳輸系統;架構;PACS;picture archiving and communication system;construction
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 醫療機構PACS系統架構程度相關因素探討 —以台灣中部醫院為例 研究生:林逸 指導教授:黃仁宏 博士 國立交通大學管理科學系碩士班 摘要 醫療產業是一個資本密集、人力密集、而且資訊密集的健康事業,因此醫療產業的資訊應用活動逐漸為醫務管理者所重視。醫療院所若不去實施醫療系統資訊化,會被認為是沒有效率,因此無法獲得病患的認同,進而也會失去病患的信心。因此,醫療資訊系統也就逐漸取代傳統的醫療院所作業流程。當各醫療院所間利用網際網路來交換資料,對醫院而言,可以增進效率並節省通訊成本;近年來由於硬體與網路技術的進步,有越來越多的醫院開始採用影像擷取及傳輸系統( Picture Archiving & Communications System , PACS )替代傳統X光片,並利用PACS系統整合醫院資訊系統( Hospital Information Systems, HIS )與放射線資訊系統( Radiology Information System, RIS )而成為完整的醫療資訊網路系統。本研究以台灣中部(苗栗至雲林)地區教學以上醫院為母群體,以問卷和實地訪問進行醫學影像部或放射科室PACS系統架構現況與影響因素的調查。
The Influential Factors of Constructing PACS in Hospitals—a study in the hospitals at central Taiwan Student:Yi Lin Advisor:Jen-Hon Huang The Department of Management Science National Chiao Tung University Abstract Health care is a capital, professional and information intensive industry; therefore, the application of information management has become a very important issue for the manager in every hospital. Medical Organizations would be considered no efficiency if they don’t take the advantage of Internet or digitization in their unit, meanwhile, the patients would lose faith on where they are cured. At the moment, the medical information system has replaced the traditional working process in hospital more than ever. Nowadays, Internet would facilitate hospital’s procedures and save the costs on their business. Recently, the improvement of software and hardware in Internet, many hospitals start to adopt the Picture Archiving and Communication System in order to achieve the magnitude of filmless. At the same time, hospitals use the PACS to integrate the Hospital Information Systems, and Radiology Information System and become a comprehensive and complete medical information system. This study concentrates on the hospital scattered at the central Taiwan and the focus group is from the Department of Health. We use the questionnaire and field survey trying to understand the application of PACS and the influence factor on their decision process upon constructing the PACS in their organization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis