Title: 線性馬達運動系統之摩擦力研究
The Study of Friction Phenomenon for a Linear Motor Stage
Authors: 田恩和
Then Ern-Hoo
Dr. An-Chen Lee
Keywords: 摩擦力;直線滑軌;friction;linear guide-way
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究以直流無刷線性馬達直線滑軌為研究對象,探討摩擦力產生的機制。摩擦力現象存在於伺服系統中是無可避免的情形,其所造成的跳躍、共振、發散、極限循環等效應,是影響精度的主要因素。同時,影響摩擦力者尚有磨耗程度、潤滑程度、溫度、濕度及操作環境等。
在本文中,循序漸進地介紹以刺毛理論為基礎的動態摩擦力模型。並且,藉由高精密的雷射位移計,提出不同的實驗方法去估測摩擦力模型之動、靜態參數。另外,利用干擾觀測器可計算出系統慣量的大小。在循跡運動的過程中,根據文獻與實驗的結果顯示:系統由靜止狀態下開始運動,與循跡運動方向改變時的摩擦力現象不一致。因此,提出了使用不同的正函數 分別架構在起動區及換相區。最後,使用所估測的參數,經由電腦模擬及實驗結果證實摩擦力模型與摩擦力鑑定實驗方法的可行性。
This research investigates the friction phenomenon of the linear guide-way of a precision linear motor stage. Friction is one of the important factors resulting in precision decline. Besides, friction is varied with wear condition, lubrication, temperature and humidity during operations.
In this article, a bristle-type nonlinear contact model is developed. In order to identify the static and dynamic parameters of the friction model, several methods are introduced and implemented. Besides, the inertia is estimated by observing the disturbance torque. Based on the experimental observations from previous literatures and our experimental data, a modified friction model for the continuous tracking motion is proposed. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results show the validity of the proposed scheme.
Appears in Collections:Thesis