標題: 絕熱式光方向耦合器的干擾與寬頻議題
Adiabatic optical directional coupler: crosstalk and broadband issues
作者: 彭煒仁
Wei-Ren Peng
Sien Chi
Chi-Feng Chen
關鍵字: 絕熱式耦合器;光通訊;寬頻元件;Adiabatic directional coupler;fiber-optics communication;broadband device
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 摘要 在波長多工光通訊系統下,我們通常需要寬頻元件來處理所有的信號。其中一個適當元件便是具有對光極化,光波長以及元件長度不敏感特性的絕熱式光方向耦合器。此論文中我們對具有寬頻特性的絕熱式光方向耦合器做干擾以及頻寬的計算與模擬,並比較數種特別結構下的特性分析。最後我們得到全能量耦合器在長度1.2公分下可使1.29到1.7um波長的交錯能量達98%以上,同時我們得到絕熱式濾波器可在2公分長度下使干擾降低-20dB以下並且得到106nm的寬頻特性。
Abstract Under WDM system, we often need a broadband device addressing all the signals. One of the candidates is the adiabatic coupler which exhibits advantages of insensitive to polarizations, wavelengths and length of the device. In this thesis we proposed and analyzed several special adiabatic coupler profiles through computing and simulating their crosstalk and bandwidths, and their results are compared. We proposed the full coupler of length 1.2cm which can make the crossing power over 98% of the input under the wavelength from 1.29 to 1.7um. Filters that exhibit bandwidth of 106nm near 1.55um and low crosstalk less than -20dB whether in 1.31or 1.55 bands are also provided in this thesis.
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