Title: 科技產業高階主管與組織間衝突成因之探討
An exploration of conflicts between top management and the organization in high-tech industry
Authors: 羅偉
Woei Lo
楊 千
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 高階主管;衝突;Top management;Conflict
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 處理高階管理團隊衝突的方式,是儘量避免團隊成員之間產生敵意,讓彼此可以激烈的討論,但是卻不會對彼此產生負面的情緒,團隊在一起的感覺是「有趣」、「有生產力」和「開放」。然而有時在衝突的過程中會演變成人與人之間的意氣之爭──氣氛很僵,沒有什麼具體的結論,大家都感到很挫折,甚至彼此帶著恨意離開。 要強調的是,既然是組織一員,就必須學習與組織相處。當組織的發展與個人的發展不一致時,要知道取、捨,也就是慎選劇本,忠於演出。當劇本與演員不相稱時,演出的結果必定不好。如果說知道別人、知道自己、知道組織的發展、知道團隊的發展是外化的功夫,那麼知道何時該取、該捨(到站的心情)便是內化的修為。如何將外化的功夫轉成內化的修為,需要時間與智慧。 由於高階主管的衝突不是零合的遊戲,當高階主管發生衝突時其因必是醞釀已久,如何化解需要智慧與手段。如果是目標的衝突或認知上的衝突(高階衝突大都屬於這兩類),要根本化解其實並不容易,與其短暫的妥協或遷就反而對後續影響更大。因此,本研究建議當高階主管發生目標衝突或認知衝突時,不一定非要尋求共識;如果不能信服組織所做出的各項結論時,向外找尋對自己最有利的發展空間,才是解決高階主管目標衝突、認知衝突的最佳方式之一。
Organization is composed of a group of people with the common goal. Without the common goal, organization can’t sustain for longer. Conflicts arise when people in the community or organization have different orientations. Therefore, conflict becomes an inevitable problem in the organization. How to address conflicts within the organization? It requires tactics, timing, and wisdom. Top management teams are the center of the organization. If top management teams have deconstructive conflict within the organization, there would be negative impacts on the performance of the organization. Conflicts among top management levels are not a "zero-sum" game. When top management team members have goal or recognition conflict, it must have been accumulated for a period of time and it is not easy to solve fundamentally even though there have been a lot of countermeasures against this issue. Therefore, this paper suggests that there is no need to reach consensus when top management team members have goal or recognition conflict. To let those management team members, who cannot be fully in compliance with the organization direction, seek externally their career development opportunities might be one of the best solutions to address top management conflicts.
Appears in Collections:Thesis