標題: 華東地區 DSL 產業分析及台灣網路業者的因應策略之研究
A DSL Industry Analysis – A case study of Eastern China market & Strategic Implications
作者: 林秀立
Jerry Lin
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: xDSL;國家產業組合模式;中國華東市場;兩岸競合策略;寬頻;用戶端網路設備;局端網路設備;xDSL;industrial portfolio model;eastern China;Cross-Strait Co-opetitive Strategy;brandband;CPE;COE
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 整個寬頻網路的市場潛力中,在寬頻網路的世界版圖,中國絕對扮演舉足輕重的角色,本研究期望分析出xDSL在寬頻網路的產業趨勢下扮演的角色,並以國家產業組合模式分析中國大陸華東地區xDSL產業之發展策略,並且在兩岸競爭與合作的模式中,制訂台灣網路業者的因應策略 具體來說,本研究分為兩個主要的部分,首先我們將全球xDSL產業以產業價值鏈與全球市場生命週期作為主軸,建構出一套完整的分析系統,依據此分析系統將全球xDSL的全貌加以描述;另外採用修正後的五力分析模式與總體經濟環境分析,針對目前大陸華東地區的產業環境與市場狀況進行分析,繪製出大陸華東地區xDSL的產業地圖;最後將這兩個部分所得到的分析結果結合與歸納,提出台灣網路業者在兩岸競合情境中的可能因應策略。 本研究結果顯示中國大陸xDSL產業現在正值快速成長期,未來三年內會朝向穩健發展期發展。依據分析資料歸納,台灣網路業者的業務型態大多數是以OEM代工,目前主要的定位在製造設計與市場快速成長期,策略的發展有三個主要方向,局端策略需要環境面的產業創新要素配合;CPE端策略需要市場面的產業創新需求要素配合,促使公司在創新上更符合市場需求;綜合策略臺灣產業價值鏈上也有廠商在開發晶片,因此台灣設備廠商可善用本身技術與研發的能力,以虛擬整合的方式,加深公司的核心技術能力,為CPE設備傷找出一個新的出路。台灣廠商目前定位策略運用在華東地區,台灣廠商策略佈局規劃如下:本地化產品;善用當地的關係網路;與上游廠商(晶片提供者)的關係;整合性產品;建立品牌/ 通路。
This thesis reports on a portfolio analysis for the strategic development of Taiwan’s broad-band communications industry, particularly the xDSL firms operating in the markets of eastern China. The objective of this study is to identify critical elements contributing to the market competitiveness in eastern China, thus providing firms with a reference for future operations in the strategic and competitive contexts. A framework of portfolio analysis, macro environmental analysis, and the five forces model were used to assess the competitive requirements and strategic implications. Future directions of strategic maneuvering for the Taiwanese firms were also included. Results reveal that the xDSL market is presently in a growth stage in the eastern Chinese market, and the most favorable strategy for the Taiwanese firms is to position as the OEM suppliers. Detailed operating strategy in eastern China should focus on cost reductions through flexible operations in customized product offerings using a network with local suppliers, systems product integration, and virtual vertical integration. In the meantime, it is also suggested that Taiwanese firms invest in the development of advanced technology in support of their positions as a technology leaders in the market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis