標題: 台灣砷化鎵功率放大器產業之產業分析
Industrial Analysis of Taiwan’s GaAs-based PA Industry
作者: 吳宗豐
Tseng Feng Wu
Dr. Joseph Z. shyu
關鍵字: 砷化鎵功率放大器;P型電晶體;H型電晶體;M型電晶體;產業組合分析模式;產業創新需求要素;Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Power Amplifier(PA);Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFET);Pseudo-morphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (PHEMT);Hetero-structure Bipolar Transistor (HBT);Industrial Portfolio Model;Industrial Innovation Requirments
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究之重點在於分析砷化鎵功率放大器產業,並探討該產業之創新需求要素。研究內容分為兩個主要的部分,首先將砷化鎵功率放大器產業以產業價值鏈與全球市場生命週期為主軸,構出完整的砷化鎵功率放大器產業的產業分析架構;第二部分採用產業組合分析模型,針對台灣地區產業現況,設計出屬於砷化鎵功率放大器產業組合分析模式,歸納該產業之產業創新需求要素。針對該領域產品三類主要產品:P型電晶體、H型電晶體、M型電晶體,進行產業定位,其定位構面縱軸為台灣砷化鎵功率放大器的技術(市場)成長曲線,橫軸為砷化鎵功率放大器產業之價值鏈。 研究結果顯示,P型電晶體、H型電晶體目前均定位於量產製造階段與技術快速成長期,M型電晶體定位於製造量產階段與技術成熟期階段。 台灣砷化鎵PA產業藉由矽半導體發展的過去經驗與基礎,已經逐步掌握住關鍵的競爭優勢,本研究歸納獲得該產業主要的產業發展創新需求要素為以下數點:完善的資本市場機制、製造成本的優勢、製程研發的管理能力、具有專門領域的研究機構、企業創新精神、產業群聚、國家整體產業政策的支持、國家基礎建設,使台灣砷化鎵功率放大器產業具有很紮實的基礎。未來產業創新需求要素著重於:規模經濟、策略聯盟的靈活運作能力、國際市場擴展人員、目標客戶的找尋、顧客關係的建立能力與顧客導向的營運能力、提供長期資金的金融體系、台灣砷化鎵 PA 產業在世界的供應鏈已經慢慢的佔上一席之地,整合全世界砷化鎵 PA 產業的發展趨勢,國外廠商已經走向上下游垂直與相關客戶平行整合,台灣在未來的發展也勢必以相同模式逐漸發展到設計創新的區段而走向營運效能導向與重要客戶的聯盟關係來尋找最大的邊際效益。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of gallium arsenide (GaAs) based power amplifier(PA) industry, including the three key segments, namely, Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFET), Pseudo-morphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (PHEMT), and Hetero-structure Bipolar Transistor (HBT). The objective of this research is to identify those factors required for industrial competitiveness, or industrial innovation requirements (IIRs). A framework of portfolio analysis is applied to address the competitive and strategic contexts of the industry, where the technology life-cycle and industrial value chain will, respectively, be employed as the vertical and horizontal axes. Result reveals that Taiwan’s gallium arsenide PA industry is presently in the growth stage. Within 5 years, the industry is expected to advance towards the design stage in the value chain and the developed stage in the technology life cycle. The current requirements in industrial innovation are: innovative spirits, support from the national policies, cost advantages in fabrication and R&D management, specialized research facilities, integrated industrial clusters, and effiecient capital market systems. In the next five years, the priority of developments should retain: scale economies, flexibile operation in strategic alliances, marketing specialists for expanding international markets, the establishments of customer relations and customer oriented management, and capital systems for long term needs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis