Title: 擴展效用函數模式下之創業家行為研究—以「正泰電熱」為探討實例
Entrepreneur’s Behavior Research on Extended Utility Function Model- “CHENG-TAY HEATER” as the Case Study
Authors: 李俊欣
Keywords: 創業;entrepreneurship
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文旨在嘗試結合經濟學家貝克提出之擴展效用函數和心理學家馬斯洛所提的需求階層動機理論,共同用以解釋行為選擇的內生化機制。之所以稱為擴展效用函數,是因為貝克提出內生偏好概念放入傳統經濟學之個人效用函數之中擴展了個人效用函數。而此一偏好也脫離傳統經濟學之穩定假設,而以二個新的人力資本互動表達之,構成所謂的「內生化偏好」,亦即內生偏好是「個人資本」和「社會資本」的函數。
個案選擇是以 — 「電熱」門外漢如何跨行新創事業的創業行為為研究對象。個案實證研究現:
The purpose of this study is an attempt to explain the internality of choice behavior by using the combination of two theories-the Extended Utilities Function presented by the economist Garry S. Becker, and the theory of Human Motivation proposed by the psychologist Maslow. In his theory, Becker applies the concept of endogenous preferences in the stable traditional economic assumption about preferences, which causes the personal utility function to extend. Consisting of kinds of human capital- personal capital and social capital- the endogenous preference itself is the function of personal and social capital.
According to Becker, the “complementary investment” is a complementary choice of a person’s social capital. It will be changed considerably with only slight change of social capital or endogenous preference. Thus, Complementary investments are the function of social capital.
This study is trying to arrange Maslow’s motivation theory of hierarchy needs—“physiology”, “safety”, “love and sense of belonging”, “esteem”, and “self-actualization” -as the ordinal utilities of the complementary investments. Furthermore, entrepreneurship is designed as the subject to test the combined model.
Compared with the motivation manifested in ordinary life behavior, the motivation people show when they face entrepreneurship is much more stronger, especially on external stress and stimulation.
The subject of the case study is a man who is an outsider of an electro- heating business. The aim is to discover how the outsider initiates a new business. Some results are found from this study:
Entrepreneurship is the complementary investment of the entrepreneur’s social capital. This complementary investment can apply Maslow’s motivation theory of hierarchical needs to an ordinal of utility. Therefore, the behavior of initiating a new business can be proved as the entrepreneur choosing to maximize his utility, which excludes the alterative choice of employment.
The results also suggest that the model which combines Maslow’s hierarchical needs theory and Becker’s extended utilities function theory can serve as an alternative in evaluation the choice behavior with high motivation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis