標題: 台灣電池資源化產業之研究
Study on Taiwan Resource-recycling Industry:the Case of Battery
作者: 沈鑫堯
Jin-Yao Shen
Dr. Chih-Young Hung
關鍵字: 資源化;電池資源化;Resource-recycling;Battery-reproduction
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近年來,環保問題已成為我國政府當局及社會大眾關注的焦點,以環境保護為訴求或目的之相關綠色環保產業對社會福祉意義極為重大,本研究以電池產業為例進行個案說明,我國社會缺乏資源再生利用的循環鍊結構,是使得環保無法真正落實的主要原因。廢棄電池如果任意處理,其有害物質將對環境造成極大危害,廢棄處理實在應該更為謹慎,但目前我國僅有前端回收站的設立,卻沒有後端處理廢棄電池的產業與技術能力,導致回收廢棄電池必須轉送國外處理,在此缺乏下游電池資源化公司的狀況下,將可預見電池回收政策的成效有限。 有鑑於歐美日等先進國家,其廢棄物清理政策早已調整及擴大管理領域,由單純之廢棄物清理與末端管制,走向兼顧分類、回收、減量、資源再利用之綜合性廢棄物管理,本研究認為,欲建立真正的環保家園,不能僅是倡導回收的觀念,更應把焦點放在解決廢棄最終產品的再生問題,著手建立資源再生循環結構及產業,一旦下游建立起廢棄物資源再生的機制,則回收問題就會迎刃而解。 本研究兼採文獻分析法、比較分析法、問卷調查與深入訪談法等途徑進行研究,經由對社會面、市場面、技術面、政策法規面及未來性共五構面之探討,證實在台灣成立電池資源化公司具有相當大的可行性,並且如果配合政府補助或公權力的力量,電池資源化產業更可望發揮其影響力,帶動環保循環鍊,使電池資源循環不絕。
In recent years, resource-recycling has become a topic issue to our government and society. However, the incompleteness of resource-recycling chain is the main cause of the failure of recycling policy in Taiwan. This research used battery industry as a demonstration for setting up the green industry. Obviously, improper batteries-disposal would seriously damage the environment, therefore, it should be dealt with greater concern. So far in Taiwan, we have no technology and facilities to handle used-batteries, therefore, the collected used-batteries have to be sent to overseas. The lacking of the back-end industries resulted limited effects to the government battery-recycling policy. As we know, the developed countries like United States, European countries, and Japan,imposed aggressive recycling-policy improving from simply wastes to effective recycling. Taiwan should learn from these countries. This study proposed to build a complete recycling system will conduce the environment-protection hometown effectively. Besides encouraging the recycling concept, more importantly, we should focus on how to reclaim from disposed products by beginning a resource recycling industry. Once the recycling mechanism is built, the problem with recycling would be solved in no time. Five main research topics including the society, - the marketing, - the technology, -the legal , and the feasibility related issues are investigated. The Study concludes that the battery recycling industry is feasible in Taiwan.