DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChuan-Yi, LUen_US
dc.contributor.author陳 瑞 順en_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Ruey-Shun Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 現代網路科技的發達,使得企業資源可以更加有效的運用。網際網路的興盛,帶動了電子商務的推行。然而傳統產業的資訊系統多屬單機、封閉式的作業環境,在面臨電子化、網路化的競爭環境時,舊有系統往往無法因應,導致企業經營績效降低。這樣的競爭環境迫使企業組織進行整體性的電子化、網路化。傳統以實體資源生產與管理為重點之企業是以強調大規模、統一指揮及完全整合為主要競爭力的來源,但資訊產業發展徹底顛覆了大企業的運作型態。 本研究利用WebSphere portal 設計並建構一 Web-based企業入口網站。主要針對企業的特性,提供一專屬的入口網站,無論是在數位化工作環境的協同合作、動態流程、經營分析報告、全方位金融理財、電子商務及無線方案,都有其相對應的解決之道。 本研究之結果由WebSphere portal所建構之企業入口網站是一個可提供單一整合性架構之入口網站,其可授予網際網路使用者使用軟體應用元件、企業內容資訊之供給,以及透過網際網路模組化的運用。此入口網站平台將可滿足現行企業電子化的需求,並且可以充分運用資訊技術設計來建構一個完整的企業入口網站,作為企業電子化的整合協同運作中心。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The advancements in modern Internet technologies, provides broader usages and applications to corporate enterprise resources as well as to fully leverage these resources. The rises and trend of the Internet is the driving force for the popularity of e-Business. However, we have observed in today’s conventional, traditional industry where their information infrastructure consisted of mainly single large servers with a proprietary operational environment. For retaining the competitive advantage of corporate operation, these out dated proprietary system often can’t provide the necessary requirements, thereby lowering the corporate operation efficiencies. Such disadvantages force corporation to re-engineering their corporate information infrastructure becomes a complete digitalizing and network-computing environment. Conventional enterprises profiting mainly from resource production, manufacturing and management stresses the importance of large-scale (plant expansion), centralized control and complete integration as the source of its competitiveness, but the advancements of information industry will begin to revolutionize the operational mechanism of large-scale enterprises. This research would utilize WebSphere Portal® to design and implement a web-based enterprise information portal site, focusing mainly on pinpointing the corporate advantages and on providing an exclusive enterprise information portal. Whether it is in issues of digital collaborative back office, dynamic workflow, operational analysis report, financial management, e-commerce and wireless solutions, WebSphere Portal® has a plenty of solutions for your needs. The result of this research provides a practical approach of implementing an enterprise information portal by using WebSphere Portal® to provide a single integrated infrastructure, to enable Internet users’ access to software application components, enterprise information contents, as well as applications modularization, process automation via the Internet. This enterprise information portal would fully fulfill the requirements of modern enterprises’ efforts on e-Business, and be fully capable of performing the collaborative operation of enterprises’ e-Business on demand.en_US
dc.subjectWebSphere portalen_US
dc.title使用WebSphere Portal設計與建構企業資訊入口網站zh_TW
dc.titleDesign and Implement an Enterprise Portal Using WebSphereen_US