Title: | 我國半導體零組件備品廠商的競爭優勢與經營策略之研究– 以崇越科技 公司為例 A Competitive Advantages and Strategies Study for Taiwan’s Semiconductor Spare Parts supplier Firms–The Case Study for Topco Scientific Co.,Ltd. |
Authors: | 盧進龍 Lu,Chin-Lung 李經遠 Lee ,Gin-Yuan 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 競爭優勢;經營策略;崇越科技;零組件備品廠商 |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 本論文研製之於全球半導體市場在2001年出現32%的大幅衰退,廠商紛紛縮減資本支出以應付景氣的寒冬,根據美國市調機構IC Insights(工研院,1998)的估計,2001年半導體廠商之資本支出金額較2000年衰退38%而為38B USD。 工研院指出(工研院,1998)半導體廠商必須持續不斷的投資方能維持自身的競爭力,由於市場出現不景氣之狀況,又讓業者緊縮投資,市場景氣尚未有明顯復甦訊號出現的情形下,美國市調機構IC Insights預估2002年半導體資本支出仍將持續縮減至30BUSD,較2001年之成長率為-22% ,而由於各大半導體晶圓廠對成本的考量,也使的半導體零組件備品業者需求增多,有其發展契機。未來一些國際設備大廠展12吋晶圓廠,但此等晶圓廠投資金額龐大,國際半導體設備廠商為爭取台灣晶圓廠採用,承諾藉由提高台灣當地設備零組件採購,以協助廠商降低成本。因此台灣半導體零組件備品業者在這本土採購化的趨勢下的角色,越形重要,也因為商機無限,使得競爭廠商日多,本研究即欲藉由半導體產業的分析及個案廠商的競爭優勢及策略發展演進之解析,探討廠商如何在產業強力競爭之環境下,建立競爭優勢,規劃因應環境的策略方向,順應環境演變快速調整策略,以屹立於競爭激流中而不動搖。 經由本研究之探討,歸納結論如下: 1. 印證產業五力分析架構確實存在無法充分掌握超級競爭產業快速變化的限制。 2. 歸納分析個案廠商之長期競爭優勢、策略演進軌跡及長期風險,作為廠商優勢建立及策略制訂之參考。 3. 提供建議給廠商作為建立競爭優勢及擬定策略方向的參考,以提高產業競爭優勢,維繫整體產業競爭力。 ABSTRACT Due to 32% decline in global semiconductor market since the beginning of 2001, companies reacted by minimizing spending and investments in hope to survive in the competitive market. According to a market survey conducted by IC Insights, analysis shows a drastic reduction in capital spending of 38% in 2001, which is equivalent to 38 billion in US dollar, compare with year 2000. Studies from IC Insights points out continuous self-investment for semiconductor companies is necessary for maintaining its competitiveness in the global market. However, as a result of the recent economical recession, companies automatically implemented cost reduction policies to minimize capital spending. Evidently, IC Insights predicted a 30 Billion USD decrease in spending for semiconductor sector in 2002, or 22% negative growth compare with year 2001. Concerns for material cost resulted in search and development of local sourced spare parts, which created promising business opportunities for local semiconductor spare parts suppliers. In addition, the introduction of 300mm wafer systems requires massive investment capital for foundry companies that are mostly based in Taiwan. To strategically attract more of these companies to purchase the new equipment, oversea system suppliers are committed to develop more local sourced spare parts in hope of assisting its customers as well as gain competitive advantages. This research paper focuses on the study of semiconductor market trend and its tendency for the promotion of local sourced spare parts. Discussion on the competitive advantage and strategic management of individual local spare parts suppliers present an insight to the adoptive strategic methods these companies employed to stand strong in this ever changing, competitive market. My research will analyze how companies survive successfully with their unique core competence in the fast-moving and competitive global market. The research consequences are concluded as following: 1. Approved the constraint of the Five Force Analysis Model, which could not catch up the hyper competitive industries. 2. Generalized the long-term competitive advantages, strategic progress and risk evaluation from the case studies as the further reference. 3.Offered opinions for domestic firms to enhance global competitive industrial advantages. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71292 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |