標題: 「停電災情處理輔助系統」工作動態指派機制
A scheme of dynamic assignment for Outage Management Aid System
作者: 劉振支
Jen-Jy Liu
關鍵字: 資料轉換服務;Data Transfer Service
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 電力公司為配合國內經濟成長與產業升級,提升人民生活水準,全力推動電力建設,以提供優質及穩定的電力為目標。配電系統為電力系統之最下游,與用戶之用電息息相關,但因分佈層面遼闊,受天候等不可抗力之環境因素影響,亦即遭受到天然災害影響時,難免發生故障,一旦電力線路發生故障,緊急搶修工作常因人力有限,而延誤搶修時間,造成用戶抱怨。因此如何減少停電時間及停電用戶數更為配電系統改善之重點。 縮短停電時間及減少停電用戶數,以提昇供電可靠度、為達成此重點電力公司發展了「停電災情處理輔助系統」處理用戶來電。獲取停電資訊,以輔助調度員故障及搶修處理,將用戶與停電資訊及其所屬供電變壓器線路相連結,除可藉此研判故障點外更可即時提供用戶相關停電訊息。透過此系統可充分掌握事故地點、事故情形等資訊,化被動為主動,用更積極之態度明確回答用戶詢問,提供用戶即時的停電資訊,以加強服務用戶。 因應天然災害發生時電力公司能有效掌握配電線路災情、加速災害搶修處理並迅速答覆用戶來電話詢問事宜,改善「停電災情處理輔助系統」並加入工作指派機制。「停電災情處理輔助系統」依據用戶來電之電話號碼或來電話者姓名或停電電號或停電地址,受理其停電事故,並指派線路巡視員現場巡視記錄配電線路事故做為派工依據。但在重大天然災害(如颱風、地震..等)時其配電線路事故停電特別多,如何在眾多事故停電中配合現有人力排出處理優先順序,以期縮短停電用戶數及時間,其須考量條件為事故停電用戶數、是否有重要用戶(如醫院、重要指揮機關、警察局等)、路程遠近、安全性等,而這些因素部分會因發生時間不同,影響也不同,其工作指派順序亦也有所不同,本論文主要以線性規劃理論來探討停電事故時之動態指派,經實驗測試證明此系統的有效性。
To meet the fast growing national economic level and the industrial advance, and to increase the people’s living standard, Taipower is taking its full effort to advance the network infrastructure to provide more reliable and much higher quality electricity to the people. In fact, distribution system is the most downstream electric power system, and is directly related to the customer’s electricity consumption. However, due to its wide spread in area and being easily affected by nature phenomena such as weather, electric network fault is unavoidable. Whenever faults occur, it is nearly impossible to have enough workers to carry out emergency repair. The duration of power outage would be extended and induces many complaints from the customers. Therefore, to reduce the outage time and the affected number of customers are the essential issues for improvement on power distribution system. Taipower designs the Outage Management Aid System to shorter outage duration, reduce the affected number of customers and increase the reliability of power supply. The system receives incoming calls from customers and obtains outage information to assist the dispatcher for fault handling. The customer’s related transformer/feeder and the outage information can be linked together, and can be used to judge the possible locations of faults and to provide related information to the customers in real-time. By the aid of the system, information about fault location as well as fault condition could be immediately available. The customer’s enquires could be replied much more clearly and firmly so as to enhance the customer services. In order to command the condition of the accidents of power distribution line effectively, to accelerate the procedure to rush to repair breakdowns caused by the disaster and to answer the query phones from users rapidly while nature disaster has happened, Outage Management Aid System has been improved and the function for missions assignment is added. Outage Management Aid System registers the accidents of power failure according to the phone number or name of the users calling, the electric power number or address of the place where power failured. Furthermore, it assigns distribution line inspectors to inspect on site and record the accidents as a basis for assignment. But while significant nature disaster happens, such as typhoon, earthquake, etc, the power failure caused by the accidents of power distribution line would increase tremendously. It is important to arrange the priority to rush to repair such a mass of breakdowns caused by the disaster according to the man power available, so that the number and duration of power failures could be decreased as soon as possible. The factors which should be considered include the number of users of power failure, important users(such as hospitals, important institutions for directing, police station,etc), the journey, the security and so on. These factors would be affected by the time factors happened and so that the priority for the mission assignments, too. This thesis is forced on the mission assignments for the accidents of power failure by linear programming theory.Experiments are performed to validate the effectiveness of the system.