Title: | 矽甲烷供應系統相關製程危害分析資料庫建置與應用研究 The Database Setting Up and Application Research on Relation Processes Hazard Analysis of Silane Supply Syst |
Authors: | 林瑞玉 JuiYuLin 陳俊勳 石東生 Dr.Chiun-Hsun Chen Dr.Tung-Sheng Shih 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
Keywords: | 製程危害分析;危害與可操作性分析;失誤模式與影響分析;製程安全管理;風險管理計畫;process Hazard Analysis;HazOp and Operability Studies;Failure Modes and Effects Analysis;Process Safety Management;Risk Assessment Plan |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 本論文研究主要以半導體與光電廠之矽甲烷供應系統相關製程為研究對象,藉由與該產業合作經驗所累積的知識,並參考國內外相關法規或標準,發展矽甲烷供應系統相關製程危害分析資料庫,本研究從四方面著手。第一,主要是針對矽甲烷供應系統相關製程之基本資料收集、並彙整過去製程危害分析所累積的知識資料及為考慮其完整性,因此把過去執行上較忽略之鋼瓶更換作業程序及非例行性的維修作業,加強分析,使資料庫更加完整嚴謹。第二,利用矽甲烷供應系統相關製程基本資料蒐集與危害分析結果,進行製程、操作程序及維修作業之重大危害辨識並篩選建置潛在危害事件。第三,利用半導體機台相對危害等級分析方法,建置設備/機台初步危害分析自動化診斷模組及製程危害分析結果,分別有效歸納製程偏離、可能原因、可能危害後果、防護措施及風險等級等資料庫,以最佳化風險評估架構建立資料庫系統。第四,利用第三部份所建立的資料庫,以Access軟體進行關聯性的連結,建置矽甲烷供應系統相關製程危害分析資料庫。
本研究第一部份分析結果,在過去執行上較忽略不完整之鋼瓶更換作業程序及非例行性的維修作業,經由製程危害分析結果並回顧國內外所發生的災害事故中顯示,鋼瓶更換作業程序及機台/設備保養維修作業不當,是導致災害事件發生的重要因素。第二部份的分析發現,矽甲烷供應系統相關製程危害分析之潛在危害後果事件,主要為下列幾種模式(1)更換錯鋼瓶,使供應製程錯誤的物質,若遇不相容物,嚴重時導致火災爆炸之危害(2)因閥件老化或管件破裂等因素,而導致矽甲烷外洩,嚴重時有火災或爆炸之危害(3)Pump失效或管路阻塞,導致局部排氣回火而發生火災(4)RF外洩(5)維修保養不當,機械手臂夾傷或人員死亡 (6)保養維修時,人員受傷高溫灼傷或powder噴濺。第三部份的研究顯示,進行初步危害分析之困難在於分析人員對物質危害資訊不足,難以判定各別物質之本質危害,所以本部份依據半導體及光電廠較常使用之化學物質,建立化學物質之立即健康危害及火災爆炸本質危害等級資料庫;另外,為考慮流量、管徑及最可能洩漏情況等參數,分別給予容器/儲槽、機臺內緩衝槽、高壓/低壓/負管線之建議值。針對製程危害分析資料庫分別歸納製程偏離/可能原因/可能危害後果/防護措施/風險等級之資料庫,以建立最佳化之製程偏離資料庫,再依此製程偏離項目配合製程風險分析結果,檢討歸納出可能原因/可能危害後果資料庫,並依此整合氣瓶櫃/容器/管線/反應器/燃燒式局部廢氣處理設備常見之安全防護措施。第四部份的研究結果,為避免使用者實施製程危害分析時,因經驗、產業了解程度及技術純熟度不同之影響而忽略關鍵考量點,綜合前述所分別建立各製程模組之製程偏離、可能原因、可能危害後果、防護措施等各種之資料庫,分析者只要於資料庫畫面上直接點選模組/機型,系統就會自動顯示相關資料,以提供風險分析執行人員。
本研究主要突破在於改變,針對需執行製程危害分析的新建廠、擴廠或定期再評估的工廠,在皆需投入相當多的人力及經費,且評估過程中因較缺乏風險評估領域之專業人員參與,所以無法有效的鑑認製程/設備的潛在危害並加以有效的控制,確實為業者造成相當大的困擾。因此,發展使用者友善的分析診斷工具,使在執行製程風險分析之效率與效益發揮至最大。本系統並提供開放式的知識庫架構,以便於後續累積安全知識,進行知識管理,並提供做為建置半導體與光電產業情境分析事件參考指標。 The research established a hazard analysis database for the silane (SiH4) supplying system basing on both the on-site testing results and the international regulations for the semiconductor and photoelectron processes. This thesis consists of four major parts: (1) a collection of process data related to the silane supplying system and knowledge-based risk analyses for the gas cylinder replacement and the preventive maintenance; (2) hazard identification for the silane supplying system, process tools and preventive maintenance; (3) establishment of the optimal risk management system based on the risk ranking of the process tools; (4) application of the access software to correlate the risk analysis system with the process conditions and silane supply system. The results show that the inappropriate procedures during the gas cylinder replacement and preventive maintenance of process tools could result in the accidents. The inappropriate procedures include: (1) misplacing the gas cylinders, which results in a mixing of incompatible gases; (2) aging and cracking of the piping systems, which leads to the leakage and then a burning of silane gas; (3) pump failure or piping blockage, which results in the backfire; (4) leakage of the radio-frequency (RF); (5) inappropriate procedures for preventive maintenance, which results in the injury and fatality due to the robots, high temperature and powders. According to the findings of this study, hazard identification and risk ranking of the chemicals, process tools, piping systems and gas supplying systems would reduce the probability of accident. With the technique and database constructed in this study, the engineers could greatly reduce the hazards inherent in the semiconductor and photoelectron industries. In addition, a user-friendly software constructed in this study would help the engineers to identify quickly the hazards of the process tools and chemicals. This software also can accumulates the knowledge and experience of the users during the application of the risk management systems, which would eventually help the semiconductor and photoelectron companies analyze the incident causes. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71348 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |