Title: 國中生「動物生殖」另有概念及其成因分析與概念改變教學研究
Authors: 唐小媛
Keywords: 動物生殖;另有概念;概念改變
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究的目的是探究國中生動物生殖的另有概念及其成因分析,進而針對「細胞分裂與減數分裂」,運用「雙重情境學習模式(DSLM)」(She, 2002, 2003, in press)協助學生概念改變,同時探討「細胞分裂與減數分裂」和後續「遺傳」學習的關係。研究結果顯示,學生在染色體遺傳、胚胎發育和生殖行為等部份存在許多另有概念;另有概念的成因主要來自正規教育和個人經歷,且概念科學化程度較低的學生不會運用文意理解能力來建構概念;雙重情境學習模式(DSLM)教學策略的運用對於學生在細胞分裂與減數分裂的概念改變成效顯著,且學生在細胞分裂與減數分裂的概念改變會影響遺傳相關概念的建構。
This study explores middle school students’ alternative concepts and the reasons in animal reproduction. In addition, the “Dual Situated Learning Model, DSLM” (She, 2001, 2002, 2003, in press) was used to foster students’ mitosis and meiosis conceptual change. Moreover, the relationship between “mitosis and meiosis” and genetics also was explored. Results show that students posses many alternative concepts in chromosome-inheritance, embryo-development and reproduction behavior. The alternative concepts mainly came from students’ regular education and personal experience. Students with lower-level of scientific concepts did not construct the science concepts through comprehension of the meanings of the words. In addition, the DSLM indeed effectively bring students’ conceptual change involing the concepts of mitosis and meiosis. Moreover, students’ understanding of the concepts of mitosis and meiosis shed lights on their future learning of the concepts of genetics.
Appears in Collections:Thesis