Title: 後PC時代-個人電腦產業之發展策略
Post-PC Era – The Development Strategies of Personal Computer Industry
Authors: 黃添壽
Huang, Tien-So
Tang, Yingchan Edwin
Keywords: 個人電腦產業;競爭優勢;資源構型;策略群組;Personal Computer Industry;Competitive Advantage;Resource Configuration;Strategic Group
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 個人電腦產業是台灣高科技產業中重要的一環,但面對後PC時代的來臨,產業結構、競爭生態、產品設計與技術發展的改變,使用者經驗與開放式服務創新概念的導入,個人電腦產業由上游的晶片供應商、中游的零組件製造商與下游的系統業者,為了成長及獲利,該採取何種經營發展策略,應付產業的改變以維持競爭優勢。本研究的主要目的在於探討個人電腦產業在後PC時代的產業生態,觀察全球個人電腦產業相關企業之財務比率指標,分析企業的競爭優勢、資源配置及營運績效,經由因素分析萃取出4個主要因素構面,並利用集群分析將觀察的公司分類為不同的策略群組,並且對於各群組所採取的競爭策略及績效加以分析,以觀察目前全球個人電腦的產業生態,再以卡方檢定,探討各策略群組在子行業類別、企業總部所在區域與美國專利暨商標局專利權核准數上是否有顯著的差異。期望能提供國內個人電腦產業一些經營發展策略上的參考。
The personal computer industry is a critical segment in the Taiwan high technical industry. When the firms of PC industry face the change of industry structure, product design and technological development in the post-PC era, which business development strategy should they take to cope with the change of the industry to maintain a competitive advantage for the purpose of growth and profitability? This study attempts to investigate the industrial ecology of PC industry in the post-PC era and analyzes the competitive advantage, allocation of resources and the operating performance by observing the financial ratios of global PC industry related firms. The financial ratios are extracted to 4 constructs via factor analysis. The firms are classified as different strategy groups via cluster analysis. This study also analyzes the competitive strategy and performance of each group and investigates each strategy group whether there is a significant difference in the sub-industry, the area of corporate headquarters and the number of USPTO patents approved by chi-square test. We expect that the results can be served as a reference for PC firms of Taiwan in developing firm strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis