標題: 使用策略與戰術圖建立產品創新技術領先競爭優勢-以網通產業為例
Build up product innovation and advance technology competitive by using S&T tree- A Case of the communication corporation
作者: 劉邦傑
關鍵字: 創新;限制理論;策略與戰術樹圖;Innovation;TOC;S&T tree
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在資訊傳播快速成長的世代中,全球化競爭日與俱增,企業能否持續獲利,不能只是依靠現有的產品或服務,必須藉著持續推出的新產品或新服務,來維持現有市場並吸引新的客戶,尤其在高科技產業此現象更是明顯;而這樣的環境下,想要讓企業持續獲利及穩定成長,「創新」能力議題對企業本身而言就顯得重要。 本研究探討過去發表的文獻,發現企業獲利能力與創新能力高度正相關;企業創新能力愈高者通常獲利能力較佳,也較能夠在全球化競爭的環境下生存下去並持續成長。因此在探討個案公司時,從企業獲利能力ROE, ROA,純益率及每股盈餘等指標來佐證個案公司在創新能力上確有不足的地方。在個案探討過程中也發現,好的創新對策早就存在,因為沒有適當的策略規劃工具造成對策執行上的困難,因此無法確實落實下去。 有鑑於高德拉特博士所發展的策略與戰術圖工具具有完整的結構性及邏輯性,可以讓每個部門的行動和公司最高目標一致、不同部門之間的行動可以同歩、也是不同階層之間溝通的最佳工具。因此本研究使用限制理論的策略與戰術圖來做為個案公司的策略規劃工具。 空白研究結果顯示,策略與戰術圖除了可以清楚的告訴公司內每一階層的員工「要做什麼」及「要如何做」,而且每一階層的目標都緊密的結合起來,在執行上可達事半功倍之效。
In the generation of Information explosion, global competition is constantly increasing. The way to achieve continue profitable, the enterprise not only rely on existing products or services, but also continuous introduction of new products or new services to maintain existing markets and attract new customers, especially in the high-tech industry. To allow enterprises to sustained profitability and stable growth, "innovation" capacity is most important for the enterprise itself. The study published literature in the past, we found that enterprises profitability is highly correlated to innovation capacity; higher the enterprise innovation ability is usually profitability and easy to survive in the global competition environment. There are four financial index indicate the enterprise profitability – ROE, ROA, net profit rate, and earnings per share. We review the case company and found that its profitability is decreased year by year to prove that there are deficiencies in the ability of innovation. We also found that good innovative approaches already exist in that company, but it cannot implement smoothly due to lack of proper strategic planning tool. Given Dr. Goldratt developed strategy and tactics tree diagram with complete hierarchical architecture and logical relationship, it could let each department get aligned with company highest strategy, and be the same step between different departments, and also be a good communication tool between different layer employees. Therefore, this study using the Theory of Constraints strategies and tactics tool as the case company's strategic planning tool. The research results show that the strategy and tactics tools in addition to let each level employees know “what to do” and “how to do” clearly, also closely to achieve half the work twice the effect.


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