標題: 融入動態幾何軟體的合作學習模式對國中學生學習二次函數圖形的影響
The effects of integrating cooperative learning model with the dynamic geometry software on junior high school students’ learning of quadratic function graphics
作者: 陳弘昌
關鍵字: 二次函數;GSP動態幾何軟體;合作學習法;Quadratic Function;the Geometer’s Skectchpad Dynamic Geometry Software;Cooperative Learning
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究主要探討在融入使用動態幾何軟體的教學環境下,比較合作學習法和個別學習法的兩種模式,對國中學生學習二次函數圖形是否因為不同的數學學業能力及不同性別而有不同的影響。 本研究採用不等組前測後測的準實驗研究法,研究對象為新竹市某國中九年級學生,研究者將任教的兩個班隨機分派為實驗組及控制組,兩組皆為學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體,實驗組使用合作學習法之教學,控制組使用個別學習法之教學。教學前先對兩組的學生實施「二次函數單元先備概念理解測驗」(即前測),確認兩組學生的二次函數先備概念理解能力相同,並於教學後實施「二次函數單元成就測驗」(即後測)作為檢驗學習成效之工具。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、在學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體下學習二次函數圖形,融入異質分組之合作學習法的教學模式顯著優於個別學習的教學模式。 二、在學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體下學習二次函數圖形,融入合作學習法的教學模式,有助於提升學生的概念理解能力。 三、在學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體下學習二次函數圖形,融入合作學習法的教學模式,有助於提升學生的問題解決能力。 四、在學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體下,融入合作學習法的教學模式和個別學習的教學模式,對於男女生在學習二次函數單元的概念理解能力都一樣好。 五、在學生自行操作GSP幾何軟體下,融入合作學習法的教學模式和個別學習的教學模式,對於男女生在學習二次函數單元的問題解決能力都一樣好。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以做為數學教學、教材設計及未來研究上的參考。
This study focuses on integrating cooperative leaning mode with the dynamic geometry software on junior high school students’ learning of quadratic function graphics. The result is compared with individual leaning mode. This study tries to find out if different math proficiency and different genders will influence the learning result. In this study, we apply quasi-experimental design of ranging groups to do pretest and posttest, and we also take ninth graders in two classes of Hsinchu City Junior High School as objects. We then have randomly assigned a class to be an experimental group and the other class to be a control group to conduct teaching. The students in each group apply GSP geometry software by themselves. The experimental group is taught with cooperative learning method, and the control group is taught with individual learning method. Before teaching, the students do the pre-test of quadratic function concept, and the teacher has to make sure the students in both groups have the same understanding of quadratic function. After teaching, the students have to take quadratic function proficiency test (the post-test) as a tool to check the learning outcomes. This study finds out: 1. When the students learn quadratic function with GSP geometry software by themselves, cooperative learning mode in heterogeneous groups is better than individual learning mode. 2. When the students learn quadratic function with GSP geometry software by themselves, cooperative learning can help the students improve concept understanding ability. 3. When the students learn quadratic function with GSP geometry software by themselves, cooperative learning can help the students improve the ability of solving problems. 4. When the students learn quadratic function with GSP geometry software by themselves, applying cooperative learning mode and individual learning mode in teaching are both good for the boys and girls to learn quadratic function concept. 5. When the students learn quadratic function with GSP geometry software by themselves, applying cooperative learning mode and individual learning mode in teaching are both good for the boys and girls to answer quadratic function questions. At last, according to the research results, this study offers suggestions for teaching math, designing of teaching materials, and doing further researches.


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