標題: 領導風格與任務不確定性對員工創新行為表現的影響
The Effects of Leadership Style and Task Uncertainty on Employees' Innovative Performance
作者: 林俐利
Lin, Li-li
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 領導風格;定規型領導;關懷型領導;任務不確定性;員工創新行為;Leadership Style;Consideration;Initiating Structure;Task Uncertainty;Innovative Behavior
公開日期: 2012
摘要:   本研究目的在探討主管領導風格與任務不確定性對員工創新行為表現的影響,提供企業在宣揚培養員工創新能力時,能夠將主管所採用的領導風格考慮進去;而對於企業給予主管的教育訓練亦能包含領導風格對員工創新能力表現的響的之議題。   研究結果顯示關懷型領導與員工創新行為有顯著的正向關係,定規型領導與員工創新行為也有顯著正向關係。對於定規型和關懷型領導的交互作用對員工創新行為之影響,研究發現主管任用定規愈高的領導類型時,主管愈關懷員工,則員工創新行為或表現也愈高。至於任務不確定性之調節作用在本研究中並無任何顯著影響,亦即當任務不確定性愈高,無論主管任用何種領導風格,對員工創新行為之影響皆不存在顯著關係。此研究結果建議企業主管當員工處於一個重視績效、工作表現的工作環境氛圍中,主管若能高度關懷員工工作狀況、並給予足夠的支持,則員工的創新行為或表現將會最多。
  This study examines the effects of leadership style and task uncertainty on employees’ innovative performance (including performance of ideas generation and fulfillment) that contribute to the survival and competitiveness of modern enterprises. While companies advocate for enriching employees’ innovation capability, they ought to take leadership style into consideration. Meanwhile, implementing manager training should include the issue of how leadership style affects employees’ innovative behaviors.   The results indicate that both consideration and initiating structure leaderships have a positively direct effect on employees’ innovative behaviors. In addition, the results also indicate initiating structure leadership moderates the relationship between consideration leadership and innovative behavior. That is, when managers adopt high initiating structure style, the more consideration from mangers to employees, the more innovative behaviors from employees. However, there is no evidence to support the moderating effects on relationship between leadership style and innovative behavior. The finding suggests managers should care employees more when employees work in an atmosphere which highly emphasizes performance─as caring stimulates innovative behaviors in employees the most.