標題: 開放式課程之再利用及模組化-以微積分課程為例
Reuse and Modulization of OpenCourseWare - A Case of a Calculus Course
作者: 陳珈惠
Chen, Chia-Hui
Pai, Chi-Kaung
關鍵字: 開放式課程;開放式教育資源;反轉式教學;模組化;OpenCourseWare;Open Educational Resource;Flip Teaching;Modulization
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 現今高科技的社會中,由於網路的蓬勃發展使得知識快速的傳播至世界各地,數位學習中開放內容(Open Content)的推廣,並透過各校所提供的開放式課程,讓來自於不同區域與不同教育背景的學習者透過網路即可取得各教育機構的學習資源。開放式課程以完全公開無償的方式,提供所有熱愛學習的學習者另一種學習模式。而本研究旨在改善現今開放式課程所提供之影音課程,並於開放式課程的再利用教學模式開始探討,藉由教學者的適當運用使原先僅置於開放式課程的影片能夠造成更大的影響力,讓更多學生能夠利用已發佈的課程影音進行學習。   本研究以微積分課程進行探究,採用微積分課程的原因為微積分是大學數學的入門課程,在銜接高中與大學數學間占有一定的重要性,另由研究中所探究不同屬性的學校及不同學院的微積分課綱,瞭解到一般大學與技職學校所講授的微積分課程內容即有不同。由於國立交通大學莊重老師的微積分(一)開放式課程為台灣開放式課程聯盟所提供之微積分開放式課程中瀏覽量最高的課程,所能影響的學習者最多,故本研究針對此門課程進行分析。   而藉由聯合大學課程套件計畫中,研究者與教學者的訪談及施測學生的問卷調查與學習成效分析,可知將開放式課程再利用的教學模式對於學生在學習上有很大的幫助。但由計畫中也得知由於教學者擷取之課程影片依舊為線性式的影音,故學生在學習上還是有部分內容無法理解。對於不同教育背景的學習者,使用同一影音課程來教學的模式對於許多學習者在學習上確實有諸多不便。此外,對於教育工作者而言,如何在短時間內適當選取合適的教學資源融入教學中並不容易。故本研究針對如何改善原先國立交通大學開放式課程所提供之莊重老師微積分(一)影音課程進行探究,並依據文獻探討中發現以課程模組化的方式能夠提供使用者一種非線性思維的模式。   故本研究依據國立交通大學開放式課程中所提供之莊重老師微積分(一)部分課程為例進行模組化程序,考慮每一單元相關性做適當性連接,並依照難易度分析及時間長度的考量下規畫出一個適合所有不同教育背景學習者及教育工作者的全新模式以提供解決策略。此也打破了原先依照每一章節循序漸進學習的觀點,提供了一種不同思維的學習方式,不僅讓教學者能以更簡易的方式選取適合該校學生的模組片段作為輔助教材,也能讓學習者在最短的時間達到最有效率並以符合個別化的方式來學習,取代了原先僅有線性組合的學習方式也讓學習者有更多的學習途徑能夠選擇,並以更彈性、更適性化的方式來學習,若有助於增強教學者利用模組化後的課程並以符合各校學生的需求進行再利用教學,提升學習者的學習動機與學習成效,進而讓學習者對於學習產生正面效應,此亦是我們所樂見的。
A procedure is in a high-tech society nowadays, knowledge spread all around the world rapidly due to the highly-developed Internet. With the promotion of E-learning and the OpenCourseWare that every schools provide, which definitely provide every education institute's teaching resources with learners come from different areas or different learning background via the internet. OpenCourseWare provides enthusiastic learners with another kind of learning pattern in a public way. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is mainly focus on improving the recent video courses that provided by OpenCourseWare. Then, start to discuss the teaching pattern of reuse of OpenCourseWare. Through the adequate use of educators, this makes great influence on today’s video courses, by which students can easily learn from the video courses that had already been uploaded. The study target aims at calculus course, the reason why we adopt it is that which is the basic course of mathematic when you entered the University. Calculus course plays an important role in connecting math when elaborated in university. Furthermore, from the difference between calculus courses of each school, we realized that the teaching contents are sometimes different. Due to National Chiao Tung University's OpenCourseWare, we learn that the calculus course provided by prof. Juang gain the most click through rate and benefits many learners. Then, it is why we choose this course as our study topic. According to National United University's project for course suite, we can learn from the investment and questionaire that learners profit a lot from Reuse of OpenCourseWare 's teaching method. However, from this program, we can realize that students have difficulties understanding some of the contents, for the reason that the teaching films provided by teachers still rely on linear video. For learners under different teaching background, it is definitely that using the same video courses cause great inconvenience for learners. For educators, how to use appropriate teaching resources in a short time isn't easy at all. Therefore, this study aims at how to improve the defeat from calculus course provided by prof. Juang, and then realize that modulization can provide users with non-linear combinations pattern. Therefore, the study is in accordance with prof. Juang’s calculus course and then modularize some parts of the courses. Think over connecting each unit appropriately and draw up a new strategy that fit all the learners and educators in different educational background according to the degree of difficulty and time problems. It also break the traditional ideas that learning step by step, which provides different learning methods. By doing so, teachers can easily choose which assisted teaching materials meet their students' need when teaching. Learners can achieve their goal with an efficient way in a short time and let learners learning in a method that is appropriate to themselves. This teaching program is apart from linear combinations teaching method before, provides learners with more kinds of learning access and then learning in a more moderate way. We will be happy to see that educators teaching in a way which meet students needs, improving learners' learning motivation and learning efficiency. Through this learning teaching method, we hope that learners can benefit a lot from it gradually.


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