Title: | 應用智慧型手機推廣開放式課程之可行性分析 Feasibility Analysis of OpenCourseWare on Smart Phones |
Authors: | 冷宇力 唐麗英 工業工程與管理系所 |
Keywords: | 智慧型手機;開放式課程;Kano二維品質模式;實驗設計;滿意度;學習成效;Smart phone;OpenCourseWare;Kano model;DOE;Satisfaction;Learning effect |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 智慧型手機的銷售量日益成長,人們使用智慧型手機上網瀏覽或觀看影片的頻 率也隨之快速增加。開放式課程(OpenCourseWare, OCW)及大規模開放式 線上課程(Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs)皆是線上學習平 台,主要是利用電腦觀看線上課程,在世界各國均已廣泛推動,台灣OCW的發展 也日漸成熟。因此本研究主要目的是探討如何有效結合智慧型手機與開放式課 程,以進一步推廣開放式課程,達到觀看影音課程行動化。本研究首先利用 Kano二維品質模式問卷找出使用智慧型手機觀看交大開放式課程者對影音課程 最重視之項目,再運用實驗設計手法針對不同形式呈現及不同畫面設定之影音課 程設計相關實驗,找出會影響使用者之學習成效及滿意度的線上課程呈現方式及 畫面與影音設定,在考慮到智慧型手機螢幕尺寸大小對結果之干擾的情況下,使 此類線上課程可適用於所有智慧型手機使用者。 本研究結果顯示開放式影音課程最佳呈現方式是同時呈現授課內容及授課者 畫面,但影音課程長度應為25分鐘左右。授課內容以Powerpoint形式呈現對 智慧型手機使用者而言滿意度最高,當課程以Powerpoint形式呈現時,字級 36pt之影音課程的學習成效或是滿意度方面表現皆優於字級28pt之影音課程, 但極性(白底黑字、黑底白字)及字型(新細明體、標楷體)並無顯著差異。另 外,OCW課程設計者亦可考慮增加字幕功能以進一步提升使用者之滿意度。 In recent years, the sales of smart phones are growing rapidly, and the frequency of people using the smart phones to watch videos on internet also grows fast. The OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a popular on-line learning approach world-wides. The OCW also develops quickly in Taiwan. However, most OCW video courses are developed for computer users. Therefore, it is important to explore how to effectively design the OpenCourseWare’s video courses for smart phones users. This study utilizes the Kano Model to develop questionnaire to understand what are the characters of OCW video courses that the smart phone users care the most. Then Design of Experiment (DOE) is employed to find out the optimal parameter settings for the OCW video courses under various screen size of smart phones. The results of this study indicate that the video courses should show the courses contents and the instructor simultaneously. The length of video courses should be about 25 minutes is appropriate. Regarding to the learning effect or the satisfaction, performance of using powerpoint form is better than that of blackboard form. The polarity (white background with black words/ black background with white words) and font type (NMing/ Kai) are not significant in terms of learning effect and satisfaction. In addition, adding the subtitle function in the OCW tape can improve the user’s satisfaction. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74115 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |