標題: 桃園縣公立高級中學學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素之研究
The Study of School Climate and Teachers’ Administrative Tasks Engagement at Taoyuan Senior High Schools
作者: 曹瑋瑩
Tsao, Wei-Ying
Chen, Chi-Yuan
關鍵字: 桃園縣公立高級中學;學校組織氣氛;行政兼職意願;Taoyuan senior high school;school climate;administrative tasks engagement
公開日期: 2012
摘要:   本研究旨在探討桃園縣公立高級中學學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素之關係。研究方法採問卷調查法,並以自編之「桃園縣公立高級中學學校組織氣氛與教師兼任行政職務意願影響因素」問卷為研究工具進行調查。研究樣本以桃園縣13所公立高中302位教師為對象;將調查結果以SPSS 19.0軟體,經單因子變異數分析、薛費多重比較法、皮爾森績差相關與多元逐步回歸等進行分析。主要研究結果如下: 壹、桃園縣公立高中學校組織氣氛屬中度開放型。 貳、桃園縣公立高中教師行政兼職意願中等偏低,其中又以成立時間較短之學校教師整體行政兼職意願偏低。 叁、教師個人背景變項對教師組織氣氛知覺上,於不同「性別」、「現任職務」、「最高行政經歷」、「行政兼職意願」教師,具有顯著差異。 肆、學校環境背景變項對教師組織氣氛知覺與行政兼職意願影響因素上,僅於不同「學校規模」,具有顯著差異。 伍、教師個人背景變項對教師行政兼職意願影響因素知覺上,於不同「性別」、「年齡」、「任教領域」、「現任職務」、「服務年資」、「最高行政經歷」、「行政兼職意願」,具有顯著差異。 陸、學校組織氣氛「開放指數」、「支持行為」、「投入行為」三者與教師行政兼職意願影響因素間,呈現正相關;但學校組織氣氛「指示行為」、「受挫行為」二者與教師兼任行政意願影響因素間,呈現負相關。 柒、學校組織氣氛各構面因素對教師行政兼職意願影響因素具預測力,其中又以「支持行為」對組織因素構面上預測力最高
  The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the relations between the teachers’ administrative tasks engagement and school climate at Taoyuan senior high schools. The method employed in this thesis is ‘questionnaire survey’ which is adapted for self-designed questionnaire entitled ‘The Impact Factors of School Climate and Teachers’ Administrative Tasks Engagement at Taoyuan Senior High Schools’. Using 13 Taoyuan senior high schools and 302 high school teachers as an example, this thesis will argue that the one-way ANOVA, Scheffé's method, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis can provide empirical framework for casual relations among factors. The findings are summarized below: First, the school climate would belong to the type of ‘medium open’ at Taoyuan public senior high school Second, the teachers are less willing to engage in administrative tasks; moreover, the newly-built public senior high teachers are most unwilling to engage in administrative tasks. Third, there have been significant differences between personal background, such as ‘gender’, ‘current job’, ‘the highest stage of administrative experience’ and ‘the willingness to engage in administrative tasks’, and the perception of school climate. Fourth, there have been significant differences between the variables of school background, such as ‘school size’, and ‘the willingness to teachers’ administrative tasks engagement’. Fifth, there have been significant differences between the variables of personal background, such as ‘gender’, ‘age’, ‘teaching subject’, ‘current job’, ‘working years’, ‘the highest stage of administrative experience’ and ‘the willingness to engage in administrative tasks’, and the teachers’ perception administrative tasks engagement. Sixth, the school climate factors of ‘opening index’, ‘supporting behaviour’ and ‘inputting behaviour’ has positive relations with the willingness to engage in administrative tasks; however, the school climate factors of ‘appointed behaviour’ and ‘frustrated behaviour’ has negative relations with the willingness to teachers’ administrative tasks engagement’. Seventh, each dimension in school climate can predict the impact of administrative tasks engagement, and ‘supporting behaviour’ is the most predictive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis