標題: 建構顧客導向績效模型:服務敏捷度之中介效果和集體主義之調節效果
Modeling Customer Orientation Performance: A Mediating Effect of Service Flexibility and Moderating Effects of Collectivism
作者: 王慧娟
Wang, Huei-Jyuan
Lin, Jie-Peng
關鍵字: 服務補償績效;集體主義;集體效能;服務彈性;顧客導向績效;service recovery performance;collectivism;team efficacy;service agility;customer orientation performance
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在現今服務至上的社會裡,顧客導向績效對服務業而言相當重要,因此本研究針對影響顧客導向績效之相關因素去作探討。本研究以金融保險業者之團隊為抽樣對象,共蒐集120份有效問卷,來進行後續相關統計分析。 本研究採用階層迴歸分析來檢測本研究之假設,根據分析結果可以得知,服務補償會正向影響服務敏捷度、集體主義會正向影響服務敏捷度、集體效能會正向影響服務敏捷度以及服務敏捷度對顧客導向績效有正向影響;我們也發現了服務敏捷度的完全中介效果,因此不論是服務補償、集體主義或者集體效能皆必須透過服務敏捷度才能夠正向影響顧客導向績效;調節效果部分僅集體主義對集體效能和服務敏捷度正向調節效果不顯著。最後根據本研究結果,我們提供一些管理建議,期許能夠帶給學術上以及實務上些許貢獻。
Service industry has become the most predominant industry in nowadays society. In the research, we will to explore the factors affect by customer orientation performance. The research questionnaires are delivered to employees of banks and insurance companies, and totally we have collected 120 samples for further analysis. Hierarchical regression analysis is implemented in the research. According to our research result, we found that service recovery performance can increase service agility ,collectivism can increase service agility and team efficacy can increase service agility. Simultaneously we also observe the complete mediation effect of service agility, meaning that all of service recovery performance, collectivism and team efficacy must go through service agility to increase customer orientation performance. In addition, The moderating hypothesis is partially supported in our study. Collectivism not support is demonstrated to strengthen the positive effect of team efficacy on service agility. Finally, based on the empirical findings of this study, expecting to offer some practical and theoretical contributions.