標題: 以視覺分離、對應與提示元素在國中英語數位教材設計之研究-以數字讀法為例
Visual Isolation, Layout Design, and Hint in Digital English Teaching Material Design in Junior High School: A Study of Number Reading
作者: 陳雅婷
Chang, Ching-Fen
Chen, Ming-Jang
關鍵字: 視覺分離、對應與提示;注意力與視覺引導;數位教材設計;國中英語;visual isolation, layout design and hint;attention and visual guiding;digital teaching material design;English in junior high school
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以「英文數字讀法」單元為例,目的在探討「以視覺分離、對應與提示」之教材設計對於國中學生的英語學習表現及認知負荷感受之影響。本實驗以新竹縣某國中四個班級共112位七年級的學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究設計,自變項為教材設計和學習成就,依變項為階段學習成就測驗、延後測和認知負荷感受,實驗組為視覺分離、對應和提示之教材設計,對照組為一般數位教材設計,並以二因子變異數進行實驗數據分析。研究結果顯示:(1)除了階段學習成就測驗英文轉數字部分外,教材設計與學習成就兩變項在階段學習成就測驗、延後測和認知負荷感受皆沒有交互作用。(2)在階段學習成就測驗表現上,實驗組於總分、數字轉英文、英文轉數字與聽力等部分顯著優於對照組。(3)在延後測表現上,實驗組於總分、數字轉英文與聽力顯著優於對照組。(4)在認知負荷感受上,實驗組學生感受到的認知負荷顯著低於對照組學生。(5)綜合學習效率與學習投入分數判斷學習成果,實驗組為高投入高效率,對照組為低投入低效率,兩組教材對於高學習成就學生均未產生專業知識反轉效應。因此依據研究結果,本研究建議敎學者可將「視覺分離、對應和提示」之教材設計應用於「英文數字讀法」單元的教材設計上,以提昇學生學習成效。
This study designed a teaching material on number reading, and examined the effects of teaching material design by using “visual isolation, layout design and hint” on English learning performances and perception of cognitive load in junior high school students. 112 participants from four classes at a junior high school in Hsinchu County participated in this study. Adopting a quasi-experimental, the independent variables were teaching material design and learning achievement. The dependent variables were learning achievement test, delayed post-test and perception of cognitive load. The teaching material design of experimental group was based on visual isolation, layout design and hint while control group was the general digital teaching material design. The result of the experiment was analyzed through two-way ANOVA. The results of the study showed: (1) In terms of learning achievement test, delayed post-test and the perception of cognitive load, there was no significant interaction between the two independent variables, teaching material design and learning achievement except English transfers number in learning achievement test. (2) In terms of learning achievement test, experimental group was better than control group in total scores, English transfers number, number transfers English and listening comprehension. (3) In terms of delayed post-test, experimental group was better than control group in total scores, English transfers number and listening comprehension. (4) In terms of perception of cognitive load, perception of cognitive load of the participants in experimental group was lower than that in control group. (5) Judging from the synthesis of “Instructional Efficiency” and “Instructional Involvement Score”, the participants in experimental group belonged to the learning style of high involvement and high efficiency while those in control group belonged to the learning style of low involvement and low efficiency. No “Expertise Reversal Effect” was found among high-achievers in experimental group and control group. In conclusion, we suggest that teachers can apply “visual isolation, layout design and hint” approach to design teaching material on “English number reading” to improve the students’ learning performances.


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