標題: 組織領導者威權領導與團隊間投機行為對組織績效之影響-以組織承諾為中介變數
The Effect of Autocratic Leadership and Peer Teams’ Opportunism on Team Performance: A Mediating Role of Organizationl Commitment
作者: 吳天佑
Wu, Tien-Yu
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 領導理論;威權領導;團隊投機行為;資源充足性;組織承諾;團隊績效;leadership theory;autocratic leadership;organizational commitment;peer teams’ opportunism;team resources;team performance
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究檢視組織領導者採取威權式領導模式與組織內部團隊之間的投機行為透過組織承諾的中介效果對於團隊績效的影響,以及團隊的資源充足性對於團隊績效之影響。以組織內部團隊為樣本單位,針對國內37間科技產業之內部團隊作抽樣調查,共計回收129份有效樣本,進行統計檢定。研究結果証實威權領導模式並不會直接的影響到團隊績效,然而,團隊之間的投機行為卻確實會透過組織承諾負向的影響團隊績效,並且對於組織承諾與團隊績效之間的關係存在負向的調節效果,而團隊之資源充足性亦確實會直接的影響團隊的績效。根據本研究結果,即便過往部分研究認為威權式的領導會使得被領導者產生負面的反應,但組織領導者卻可透過適當的領導方法使得威權式領導不至於對於績效產生負面的影響。另外,組織內部為則應盡量避免發生團隊之間的投機行,以及就團隊的需要給予其適當並充足的資源,才能避免影響進而提高團隊績效。
This study investigates two types of influences on team performances, one involveing team leaders’ adoption of autocratic leadership and the intermediate effect of organization-internal peer teams’ opportunism through team’s organizational commitment, and the other, the adequacy of team resources. treating organization-internal teams as samples, the study targets teams within more than 70 nationwide technological businesses for investigation. 129 effective samples have been collected and run for statistical evaluations. The results of research prove that autocratic leadership does not necessarily influence team performances. However, peer teams’ opportunism does negatively influence team performances through team’s organizational commitment and negatively alters the relationship between team’s organizational commitment and team performances. Moreover, the adequacy of team resources also directly influence team performances. Although some previous studies demonstrate that autocratic leadership causes negative reactions from the subordinates, according to the results of the study, negative influences of autocratic leadership on team performances can be avoided through appropriate measures of leadership taken by team leaders. Besides, organization-internal peer team’s opportunism should be avoided as much as possible, while appropriate and adequate resources should be provided based on team needs in order to avoid influences and consequently enhance team performance.


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