Title: | 乘客協助駕駛人安全行車傾向之研究 Passengers’ Intention to Help Driver’s Safe Driving Behavior |
Authors: | 吳以雯 Wu, I-Wen 張新立 Chang, Hsin-Li 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 乘客協助;自我效能;風險感認;責任感;結構方程模式;Passenger helping;Self-efficacy;Risk Perception;Responsibility;SEM |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 過去交通事故成因研究多關注於駕駛人自身之因素,但乘客亦是影響駕駛行為之重要因素,乘客適時的協助可以幫助駕駛人避免做出危害整體行車安全之行為。本研究利用乘客的自我效能、風險感認及自身的責任感來探討影響國人協助駕駛安全行車意願之因素。本研究於新竹市監理站隨機抽取550位受訪者資料,利用結構方程模式進行模式分析及驗證。研究結果指出乘客的協助行為會收到乘客的自我效能及乘客責任感所影響,乘客責任感則是完全中介風險感對於乘客協助行為之影響,而乘客責任感會同時受到風險感認與宣傳媒介共同影響。結果並發現男女在乘客協助行為之模型上有顯著差異;30歲以下之民眾及未持有駕照或駕駛年資較淺之族群對於道路風險的感認較低,可多加利用各項宣傳媒介宣導乘客協助行為及提升民眾之乘客責任感。 Most studies about traffic accidents focus on drivers’ own factors, but passengers are also an important factor which influences drivers’ behaviors. The study aim to explore the relationship between self-efficacy, risk perception, responsibility, media and helping behaviors. A completed questionnaire was returned by 94.3% of them (N=583). A series of structural equation analyses indicate that self-efficacy and responsibility both have significant influences on helping behaviors; responsibility plays a full mediation role between risk perception and helping behaviors. The result also shows that gender has significant differences in the model of helping behaviors. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72171 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |