標題: 以行銷通路的演化為基礎- 探討大陸零售通路之布局
Research of Retail Channel in Mainland China base on Retail Productivity and Channel Evolution
作者: 魏森德
Wei, Sen-De
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 生產力;恩格爾係數;市場通路;動態能力;Determinants of Retail Productivity;Engel Index;Chanel Market Management;Dynamic capability framework
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 中國近年來經濟高速成長,產業隨著中國政府2002年加入WTO後,市場漸漸的開放而進步,生活水準普遍提高,帶動廣大的市場需求,並吸引全球各式企業積極卡位佈局。由於中國幅員廣大,市場的複雜性及地區發展的差異性,使得廠商在拓展市場時所必須考慮的層面更為廣闊且細膩。探究通路發展的過程,瞭解整個通路生態,有助於擬定適當的通路策略,這將是各家廠商的重大挑戰。 大陸的政治環境與世界各國完全不同,大陸賣場實體通路經營之策略,更需要考慮不同時空與背景,我們將以不同城市對應不同年份的各項差異做為研究參數,研究適當正確的通路策略。
In recent years, China economic has grown rapidly, the industry is gradually opening up and progress, as well as the market increase as the Chinese government join WTO in 2002. These effects raise the living level and quality in majority market, force global enterprise to take action to capture good position. The complexity of retail business in China extend strategy of firms more flexibility and dynamically. Explore the way of development process, understand the whole passage ecology, will help enterprise to reach an appropriate channel strategy, which is also a big challenge for each firm to stay competitive. Political environment in China is completely different from modern west countries, to consider the different period and background, we take data of retailers performance and cities geography from years to year as a study parameters, in order to approach an appropriate channel strategy.


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