標題: 以社會網絡理論探討免費加班與工作複雜度關係
The application of social network theory to study the relationship between unpaid overtime and task complexity
作者: 林媖雀
Lin, Ying-Chueh
Tseng, Fang-Tai
關鍵字: 社會網絡理論;鑲嵌理論;免費加班;工作複雜度;Social network theory;Embeddedness theory;Unpaid overtime;Task complexity
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究目的在於採用社會網絡理論(Social Network Theory)的架構,針對免費加班研究發展新的理論及研究方法,探討以探討台灣勞工免費加班的情況。本研究認為當一職務之工作複雜度越高,其個體與其他節點(node)之連結(ties)會因此增加,而酖連結越多、強度越強或處於網絡中優勢位置(如弱連結優勢)時,會使得其免費加班情況增加。並根據行政院針對於職務技術層級之定義以及不同產業間之產業關聯程度進行分類,採用地區別、職業層以及產業別等變數進行分析。 在進行實證結果後發現,職業層與免費加班有顯著相關存在,且其改變之方向與本研究假說預期結果符合:當工作複雜程度越高之職務,其免費加班之情況也越嚴重。也就是說,可將工作複雜度視為影響免費加班情況之重要變數,但由於目前數據的解釋能力仍稍顯不足,期待後續研究者能透過更精確的數據選擇進行更深入的模型探討。
The purpose of this study is the use of social network theory framework to develop the new theory and method to explore the unpaid overtime situation of Taiwan labor. This study suggests that when the task of complexity of a job is higher, the link (ties) between the individual and the others (nodes) will increase. And the more or the stronger ties between two nodes or the dominant position in the network (like weak tie advantage) will increase the unpaid overtime phenomenon. The result found that the relationship between unpaid overtime and the significant occupation layer did exist and the study results meet expectations: the higher task complexity of a job, the more serious situation of unpaid overtime. That is, the task complexity can be deemed as an important factor of unpaid overtime. But due to the current limitation of data collecting, the problem of increasing the interpretation of data seeks the future researchers can find a better index for the deeper study.