標題: 客庄文化產業--大湖草莓酒之研究
A Study of the cultural industry of a Hakka village strawberry wine from Dahu
作者: 吳沛臻
Wu, Pei-Chen
Liu, Ta-ho
關鍵字: 大湖草莓酒;壟斷地租;Dahu strawberry wine;Monopoly rent
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 大湖地區具備得天獨厚適合草莓生長的農業地理環境,大湖酒莊藉由政府部門所提供的輔導和補助等資源成立和發展,以優異的地理環境再加上製酒和農產加工技術,帶動了大湖地區文化產業的落實,讓大湖草莓酒不只是大湖客庄文化產業中的一項產品,期待能擁有像法國葡萄酒般的地位,在台灣、國際的酒界佔有一席之地。 本研究對象為苗栗縣大湖鄉大湖酒莊之草莓酒產業,問題意識有四點:一、了解催生大湖草莓酒之因素。二、大湖草莓酒產業從執行發展至今的狀況。三、湖草莓酒產業與地方相關產業的連結狀況。四、大湖草莓酒其在壟斷地租理論下之文化表現。 本研究採用文獻探討、參與觀察和深度訪談等方式進行,以「壟斷地租」的理論概念為研究概念架構,從「該地方產業與關連面向之連結」和「具體表現在該地方文化產業產品上」這兩方面進行探討,從而達到「大湖草莓酒是否具備絕地卓品之競爭力」之研究目的。 將產業賦予文化的意義或是將產業與文化相融,不能只是形式,欲將產業扎根,必得將產業其與地方關連面向緊密連結,再將產業落實在文化上各方面具體表現,不論是要達到長遠經營的目的,或爾後要進一步邁向國際,每個面向都確實地做到,才會有成功的契機。
Dahu district has an extraordinary agricultural environment for strawberry growing, Dahu wine village was established and developed by the help and resources provided by government sector. With the excellent geographical environment、wine making and agricultural proceeding skills, it leads and fulfills the cultural industry in Dahu district, which makes the strawberry wine not only an item in Dahu Hakka cultural industry, but hopefully it will has a prestigious reputation as French wine, and made known in wine industry in Taiwan and abroad. This study is aiming the strawberry wine industry in Dahu wine village, located in Dahu town, Miaoli county. There are four perspectives: 1. to understand the factors that give birth to Dahu Strawberry wine. 2. the development of Dahu strawberry wine from beginning to until now. 3. the connection of Dahu strawberry wine industry and local related industries. 4. the cultural performance of Dahu strawberry wine under the theory of Monopoly rent. In order to achieve the goal of this study: if Dahu strawberry wine is competitive enough to employ Monopoly rent, this study is developed and proceeded by documents researches 、observations and in-depth interviews. With the theoretical concepts of Monopoly rent, which frame the research, to explore the connection of the Dahu strawberry wine industry and related dimensions, as well as explicit performance in Dahu strawberry wine products. We can’t give the cultural significance to industries or blend cultural with industries as a matter of form. To develop the industries, the industries have to relative with the local cultural and complete in the cultural industries. Not only achieve the purpose of long-term operation, but also move towards internationalization. There will be an opportunity for success, if we surely do every detail.


  1. 551201.pdf

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