標題: 乙太之能原創管絃樂作品與註釋
作者: 趙立瑋
Chao, Li-Wei
Lee, Tzyy-Sheng
關鍵字: 管絃樂曲;乙太體;色彩與音樂聯覺;具象化器樂音樂;電子音樂;orchestral work;etheric body;synesthesia of color and music;musique concrète instrumentale;electronic music
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 《乙太之能》為一首單一樂章三管編制之管絃樂作品,由七個連續的段落所組成,曲長約十二分鐘。曲名中的「乙太」,其靈感來自於Barbara Ann Brennan女士在「人體能量場」著作中所提及七個人體能量中的第一層級「乙太體」,而曲名中的「能」,則指能量之意。「乙太體」又可分成七個能量輪,相互串聯著七種不同的顏色與光芒。筆者希望透過音樂的色彩與轉化,表達能量輪中所傳達的意念與色彩。 在此曲中,以滋養乙太的四個要素「光乙太」、「溫暖乙太」、「生命乙太」及「化學乙太」等分別轉化為樂曲中的「速度與力度」、「織度」、「音型與音色」及「音高與節奏」等音樂素材,表現出各段落間聲響的差異,並探討其中所運用的配器手法。 本創作理念之註釋分為四個章節:第一章為緒論;第二章為樂曲的創作背景與理念,提出筆者自身對於色彩與音樂之聯覺,並從德國作曲家拉亨曼的噪音運用上去闡述出《乙太之能》樂曲所欲表達的具象化器樂音樂手法;第三章為樂曲的創作思維與體現,針對樂曲整體的形式、使用素材以及段落安排,表達作品中所使用的配器分析及音樂色彩之關聯性,並說明如何使用電子音樂語彙去體現樂曲《乙太之能》;第四章為結語,為回顧與省思筆者創作之過程與心得。 關鍵字: 管絃樂曲、乙太體、色彩與音樂聯覺、具象化器樂音樂、電子音樂。
Ether is a single-movement orchestral work with triple woodwind, consisting of seven musical sections without pause. The title Ether is drawn from the book Hands of Light written by Barbara Ann Brennan, who explains “etheric body” is “the first or lowest level in human energy field.” The author also explains that there are seven chakras in “etheric body,” that display seven different colors and radiances. Thus, I explored and transformed the ideas and colors of seven chakras in this orchestral work; I divided it into seven sections to differentiate sonic structures and musical expressions. While composing this piece, I was also inspired by the concept of four elements, “light, warmth, life and chemical ethers,” which nourish “etheric body.” Musically, I applied the inspiration for the speed and intensity, musical texture, figurations and timbre, pitch and rhythm throughout this piece. There are four chapters in this attached paper to the score of Ether. Chapter 1 is an introduction. In Chapter 2, I explain my perspective in synesthesia of color and music, as well as Helmut Lachenmann’s compositional technique musique concrète instrumentale in related to the piece. Chapter 3 illustrates how electronic music influenced on the idea, form, structure, musical materials and orchestration in this work. Chapter 4 is the conclusion. Keywords: orchestral work, etheric body, synesthesia of color and music, musique concrète instrumentale, electronic music


  1. 652101.pdf
  2. 652102.pdf
  3. 652103.pdf

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