標題: 成衣服飾電子商務經營關鍵成功因素探討─以Lativ為例
Exploring Critical Success Factors for Apparel E-Commerce Business–A Case Study of Lativ
作者: 韓賢靖
Han, Hsien-Ching
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 電子商務;成衣服飾;藍海策略;E-Commerce;Apparel Online Shop;Blue Ocean Strategy;ECFA;Lativ
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在電子商務的激烈競爭中,Lativ網路成衣服飾品牌突破臺灣成衣夕陽產業的瓶頸,短短五年創造年營業額40億元傲人成績,遠遠超越成立九年的臺灣知名服飾品牌東京著衣,借鏡Lativ成功模式加入市場競爭者不計其數,然而至2012年Lativ年營業額仍遙遙領先其它同業。 本論文以藍海策略四項行動架構分析Lativ開創的新價值曲線,探討其關鍵成功因素,並結合產業、環境及政府政策,研究Lativ面臨之機會與挑戰,從而提出永續經營策略之建議,並針對政府產業發展政策提出建言。本研究總結Lativ之關鍵成功因素為: 1.以穩定的產品品質、資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質為基礎 2.以平價及有效的行銷模式帶來人潮,刺激網站流量 3.持續創造需求,吸引新顧客,增加回購率 4.持續降低成本 Lativ的成功不是偶然,從產品、行銷、物流到資訊平台,Lativ都能維持品質,然而面對全球綠色政策趨勢變化、ECFA黃金十年,以及競爭者不斷地加入模仿,Lativ仍應儘速建立難以模仿的核心競爭優勢,培養成為資源整合者的實力,以開創下一個藍海商機。
In the fierce competition of e-commerce, Lativ - an apparel online brand – has broken through the bottleneck of the mature industry in Taiwan. It only took five years to reach 4 billion annual turnover, far beyond the well-known apparel online brand – Tokyo clothes, that was founded nine years ago in Taiwan. A lot of competitors have joined the online market replicating the Lativ’s successful model, but Lativ’s annual turnover is still far ahead of the others in 2012. This study analyzed what new value curve had Lativ created, and explored the critical success factors through the four actions framework of the blue ocean strategy. Combining with the analysis of the industry, environment and government policies, the study describes the opportunities and challenges that Lativ has faced. The sustainable strategies to Lativ and the industry development policies to the government are suggested. This study concludes the key success factors of Lativ as bellow. 1.Stabilize product, information, system and service qualities 2.Compete with price and effective marketing to stimulate website traffics 3.Continue to create demand, attract new customers and increase the repurchase rate 4.Continue to reduce costs From products, marketing, logistics and information, Lativ has ability to maintain the qualities. Embracing the challenges from the green policy trends, ECFA and the new competitors, Lativ has to create the future core competitive advantages that the competitors hard to imitate as soon as possible, and has to build the ability to become a resource integrator to create the next blue ocean opportunities.