標題: 衡量全球主要智慧型手機品牌之軟實力
Measuring the Soft Power of World’s Major Smartphone Brands
作者: 何寬賢
Ho, Kuan-Hsien
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 軟實力;智慧型手機;品牌;競爭力;Soft power;Smartphone;Brand;Competitiveness
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 軟實力的概念最早由哈佛大學的政治學者奈伊(1990)所提出。西元兩千後,隨著全球政治經濟重心地轉移,權力核心也由單極趨向多極,從而冷戰以來強調軍事力量的對抗思維,已無法在當今國際外交上獲得實質的影響力,軟實力的內涵與應用因而逐漸受到重視。近來有研究機構運用軟實力的架構建立國家軟實力的量化衡量指標,擴大軟實力的具體應用層面。本研究嘗試進一步擴大軟實力的應用範圍,從國家層級對應到企業層級,建立衡量企業軟實力的評分系統,並且計算2011年全球智慧型手機市占率前五大廠商的軟實力。本研究發現軟實力分數的排序與全球市占率的排序正好吻合;本研究亦開啟企業軟實力探討之先河,為後續研究提供脈絡。
This study applies the ‘soft power’ framework proposed by Nye (1990) to measure the soft power indexes of major smartphone brands in the world. The result indicates each firm’s soft power is exactly positively-related to its market share. The soft power framework was originally designed for measuring the competitiveness of countries. We cannot assure whether this outcome is merely a coincidence or it proves the validity of this soft power rating system. It takes further researches to get it done. A supreme element in high technology industry is the research and development capability. A smartphone is the quintessence of technology, for it condenses many technologies in it. Moreover, customers pursue state-of-the-art smartphones with a great many functions. Consequently, research ability is the key to sustain long run development and profitability of a company. Marketing strategy and brand value of a company determine its product image in customers’ minds. An excellent product still requires extraordinary marketing strategy and brand awareness to enhance its visibility in the market. External surveillance is considered a good check and balance, say, independent directors of a company. But we do not observe a significant difference among these enterprises. The soft power differs from country to country. A new business at its initial steps may need some protectionism or supports from its country of origin. Since these major smartphone players are all come from relatively civilized nations, and they are all strong enough to strive in global markets, we do not perceive the countries of the locations of head offices affect the performance of each company.