標題: 構件與再系統 [拆解、形變、重新編程]
Components & Regenerative System [Disassemble、Transform、Reprogram]
作者: 王映晴
關鍵字: 拆解;形變;重新編程;Disassemble;Transform;Reprogram
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 現實世界中的一切物體皆由構件組成,物體與物體的組合可視為另一種構件,組成更巨大的系統。而構件又可以分為兩種,硬性構件與軟性構件。硬性構件為固定不變的系統物件;軟性構件為可拋棄移動式且在一段時間後會變更狀態的物件。這些構件拼組出我們的生活、建築物、街道、對都市的感受與認知。 軟性構件是存在於都市裡最多元的構件,小者即為生活常用的杯子,大者即為都市的交通網絡,它最貼近人生活的使用介面,是構成都市生命力最主要的活力泉源,是集結各式各樣的人們與他們在都市共享彼此生活方式下的產物。而當今的社會中,軟性構件卻成為都市生活的亂源,佈滿於都市而缺乏適應性,所以當我們習慣於它的存在情境與使用後變不再思考,這些認知視為理所當然。 與其設計一種新型態,不如以最為小的都市構成單位檢驗都市生活現象。把構件從原本的系統中抽離後,拆解檢視,賦予它適應性的形變方法,重新編程功能使它更具價值後,成為新的回饋系統,稱為再系統。以客觀作法,評估分析數據;不規定形式,以實驗的結論,設計一種系統化的規則,而衍伸出對此構件不同的詮釋。 以以下四個案子為例,從小尺度到大尺度,抽取都市裡的四種亂源構件,以一套分析流程,設計適應性的系統,分別對應在各種尺度下,如何組裝都市生活可能的情境。 “O-T-P-R-S” [O]=OBJECT 抽取原物件。 1.評估原物件在原本系統的角色。2.人使用原物件的方式。3.使用後對周遭環境的影響。3.對都市產生什麼問題。4.原物件的特性,尺寸、材料。5.與原物件有關的各種數據。 [T]=TRANSFORM物件拆解,組成新構件。 1.分析物件的構成。2. 物件組合的可能性。3.在生成構築的機會。4.在都市裡問題的釐清。 [P]=PROTOTYPE新構件之間組合出不同變換的形態。 1.新構件與新構件的再組合。2.定義出幾種新組合的單元形式。3.選擇可被使用的組合結論。 [R]=REPROGRAM 重新編程構件的功能,產生價值。 1.改善原物件的問題點。2.加入周遭環境缺乏的功能或是使構件使用更好的機能。3.加入不同種附帶使用構件的方法。 [S]=SYSTEM 新的回饋系統,新的生活都市情境。 1.構件與構件之間產生新的組成系統。2. 改變原本構件的系統。3. 置換後對都市情境的想像。
All objects in the real world was composed by components, and objects can be considered as components of greater system. Components can be divided into two types: hard component, which is rigid and fixed, and soft component, which is kinetic, flexible and disposable. These components construct our lives, buildings, streets, city and even the feeling and perception. Soft component can be thought as small as a cup, and as larger as the urban traffic. It is so close to our lives that people can share vitality with each other via this network.But due to our inertia and abuse, we avoided change and even took these for granted. Nowadays, soft componets were getting lack of applicability. The soft component of urban life had become a source of chaos. Therefore, compared with designing a new object, it wil be better to extract components from exist object, deformation and make them more adaptive, and re-programming function to make it more valuable. This method is ”Re-system”. Re-system is an objective approach based on data analysis and systematic experiment. It is a new feedback designing system that can help us to extend and develop different interpretations of components. “O-T-P-R-S” In the following, we take four cases, from small-scale to large-scale, for example. We extract four cities components of urban life into an analytical process, “O-T-P-R-S”, to design “Re-system”. [O] = OBJECT, disassembling the original object into components, and finding the problem related [T] = TRANSFORM, analyzing components, discovering the possibility of components, and generating opportunities to the city. [P] = PROTOTYPE, selecting and transforming the components, define new combination of components into new morphological form. [R] = REPROGRAM, reprogramming function of component, improving system toward surrounding environment for better performance. [S] = SYSTEM, evolving new feedback system, change the original context ,and developing a new urban solution.


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